A soldier born in
the Grandall Empire, she's a talented young girl. She's the daughter of
a high-ranked officer of Grandall, and thus her skills are natural to her.
She turned into a genious soldier, praised by the minor soldiers. But the
Cadet's apparition shadowed her progresses. She decided to not let that
interfere in her duties, and taking her sword and shield she followed into
the war against Dalkia.
She accompanied the
Cadet for a short period, after which she was ordered to stay and confront
Dalkia while the Cadet went towards Halteese. But she doesn't fare too
well against the Dalkia Elite group, "Klessirpemdo", and her unit is killed.
The Cadet comes to aid her in the battle and both ends the war defeating
Queen Aurelia from Dalkia.
She's assigned a new
unit and a year later, she's ordered to follow the Cadet into an Anti-Rebellion
force against Girardot. After defeating Girardot,
she returned to her duties. She's ordered to stop the Cadet's reformed
rebellion in his pass towards Grandall Capital Parousia. During their reencounter
the Cadet defeats her, and she starts to questioning where her loyalty
laid, with the Empire or with the people. She decides to trust him/her
and joins his rebellion to confront Strife.
