In the harsh,
unforgiving desert of ancient Egypt, ruled by Rama-Tut, a band of nomadic
raiders found an infant, gray-skinned and freakish in appearance, abandoned by
the settlers of Akkaba. The nomads took the child for their own, giving him the
name En Sabah Nur, "The First One," and teaching him to be "strong" in order to survive the desert as a child. This idea, that
"the strong will survive," would shape Apocalypse's actions throughout
When En Sabah Nur was an
adult, he was captured with his nomadic clan and forced into slave labor under
the Grand Vizier Ozymandias. He quickly became a rebel and was even killed by
agents of Ozymandias, only to be revived soon after due to his mutant powers.
Believing himself "strong" and blessed, En Sabah Nur discovered Rama
Tut's technology underneath Egypt, and soon destroyed the Egyptian rulers
around him and twisted Ozymandias into the being he is today.
Apparently, Apocalypse
would use Rama Tut's technology to "regenerate" for long periods of
time, becoming more and more powerful when awakening. He was also known to have
traveled around the world during these ancient years, appearing to various
primitive cultures as their death god. At some point, when traveling through
Mongolia, Apocalypse encountered a spaceship abandoned by the planet-judging
aliens, the Celestials. His travels then became fueled by a single-minded
purpose-- to find the key that would unlock the secrets to this alien
technology. He found it in the person of Nathan
Summers, then wandering various eras as the Traveler. The two fought, and
although Apocalypse was nearly killed, he was saved by Ozymandias and taken to
the Celestial ship. Apocalypse's blood had become infected with Summers'
techno-organic virus during the battle, and the infection allowed Apocalypse to
not only transform into an even more powerful being, but to also interface with
the Celestial ship, claiming it as his own.
