Cheng is a
wealthy businessman who is friends with millionaires and common people alike. He
is a former student of Master Tung
Fu Rue and was taught alongside Jeff Bogard and Geese
Howard. Back in the day, the three of them were known as the "Three
Brothers of Godly Battle". However, since Cheng participated in rigged bets
and prohibited street fights, Tung expelled him from the Hakkyokuseiken school.
Cheng comments that Tung was very frightening at that time. It's possible that
Cheng's appearance is loosely based on real life movie star and martial artist, Sammo
Hung Kam-bo
Cheng's intentions are not really evil, but
his incredible amount of greed and
hunger for money blinds him from more important matters. Ever since he can
remember, Cheng has always fought his way to become a man with a higher social
status. "The man who had money was the man who would be respected," and with that
basis in mind, Cheng began to slither his way up the social ladder (via many
dirty management tricks and betrayal). However, he also knew that this sort of
actions would gain him many enemies who would try to finish him off at the
slightest chance.
Being a man of wide dimensions, many people doubted Cheng in actually becoming a
prominent martial artist. However, Cheng mastered his own unique style of Tai Chi Ken
(based on Tai Chi Chuan), which allows him to
channel his inner energy and launch chi blasts. Cheng also uses his
own weight to his advantage, and is capable of lunging himself like a ball with
great agility.
During the timeline of Fatal
Fury 2, Cheng heard the news that
the renowned German nobleman, Wolfgang
Krauser, has organized a new worldwide tournament using the name of a small
local competition called "King of Fighters", and that he was seeking
only the best. In addition to proving himself to be a distinguished fighter, Cheng
realized he could win a lot of money, or possibly even raid
Krauser's massive heritage fortune as well. Unfortunately for his reputation,
Cheng didn't make it very far in the tournament, but he managed to sponsor many
of his fights via his dirty money. The later broadcast of his fights earned the fat
businessman a decent amount of earnings. Although he didn't gain enough money as
he would have wished, something is better than nothing, so Cheng sits back and
relaxes, knowing he has gained enough little effort.

Updated: Sep. 14th, 2023
When I first saw
Cheng in Fatal Fury 2, I chuckled... and moved on. I didn't care much for
the design and he didn't leave a lasting impression. However, Cheng's design was fleshed out quite a bit in
the Real Bout series, with a colorful new sprite and brand new over-the-top animations.
Even though you could say he was inspired the Chinese martial artist / movie star Sammo Hung, Cheng was still always a sleeper design for me. His martial arts and basic animations could be a lot better, for one. In
retrospect, Cheng deserves some credit. His ridiculously silly mannerisms and
attacks... as quirky and awkward as they are... are solid comic relief in the series. He added
personality to the Real Bout series especially. Also, Cheng was a troll character
before the term "troll character" was ever used.
Besides a few memorable background cameos, Cheng never made it over to any other franchises, but I
could see SNK revamping him and bringing him back in a future title. However... Capcom and Bandai Namco killed it with the "fat fighter" archetype with Rufus
or Bob. Those fat guys move way better than ol' Cheng ever could.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
