Woo is a cybernetic version of the monster gorilla named Woo, one of the original monsters from SNK's The
King of the Monsters. Woo was one of the monsters who arose in 1996 to help
Japan fight off rogue monsters. In battle, Woo was defeated and nearly killed.
As Woo was near death, the Japanese government took Woo's brain and implanted it
inside of a giant cybernetic monkey body, developed by Makishima Industries, a
Neo-Japanese company.
Known as Cyber Woo, he discovered that he was nothing more than a living weapon
for the sake of world conquest. Cyber Woo destroyed the lab he was kept in and
escaped when he found out he'd been used for evil purposes. In Neo Geo Battle
Coliseum, Cyber Woo is controlled by a girl named Yuzu Makishima to test its
