the first Jojo series, Dio was the enemy of the then-hero Jonathan
On a sinking boat, Jonathan decapitated the vampire, but found himself
attacked by the floating head. Dio's head stole Jonathan's body as the
boat sank and had not been heard of for a hundred years. He returned, along
with his own stand, the World. The ever charismatic vampire lives in a
secluded mansion in Egypt where he hopes to hear of Joseph and Jotaro Kujo's
deaths at the hands of his many henchmen. "The World," is a robot-looking
man with the power to stop time for several seconds.
In his first fighting game debut, Dio is based on his Part III: Stardust Crusaders appearance. Dio's original version from Part 1 of the manga (Dio (Phantom
Blood)) debuted in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle.
Shadow Dio is another playable form of Dio in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future.
