A first year Justice
HS student, he is in fact an Imawano ninja with the mission of eliminating
and Raizo, both now enemies of
the Imawano clan. He however approaches his mission not with loyalty to
the clan, but with his own opportunist designs to take over the schools
in the process. With expertise in brainwashing and impersonation as well
as total amorality, he sets up the Dark Side Student Congress and begins
plotting to turn the students of the different schools against each other,
targeting Raizo as his first victim and almost succeeding in killing him.
He however fails to realize until too late that both Hyo and Mugen have
outwitted him. Yurika is his sister.
Kirishima is the main antagonist of Project Justice, but this is not
revealed until later on in the story. He makes various appearances throughout
stories early on in the game's story mode, either as himself or as Vatsu,
a doppelganger of Batsu
Ichimonji. His actions include either attacking various groups of students
with his lackeys - his sister Yurika, Momo, and a
brainwashed Daigo - or having them do his
dirty work for him.
At a certain point,
Kurow unveils himself as the mastermind behind the recent upheaval among the
schools. He explains that he is sent by the ninja clan the Imawano family was a
part of to assassinate Batsu, Raizo, Kyosuke, and
Hyo. After being defeated by the group of students selected by the player, he
attempts to send a brainwashed Hyo Imawano after the players, only to be
betrayed and defeated by Hyo. The sequence following the final fight in story
mode reveals Kurow is hospitalized after the attack, but escapes after a few
A bonus storyline
available in Project Justice, the Darkside Student Council, tells an
alternate story in which Kurow's plans to take over the various schools
succeeds. The ending for this story has him at the head of Justice High School,
shown with the various characters of the series as his brainwashed servants,
including his own sister.
