B. Orchid is a secret
agent sent to investigate the mysterious disappearances that surround the
UltraTech contest. Her true identity and abilities are shrouded in secrecy. At
the end of the Killer Instinct tournament, Orchid escaped unscathed with vital
information about the corrupt future plans of UltraTech. Informing her
superiors of UltraTech's evil intentions, they can now act in bringing about
the destruction of the corruption presiding there.

Page Updated:
Sep. 23rd, 2024
Orchid debuted as the
lone heroine of Killer Instinct, and still to this day, she's one of the most
recognizable and beloved characters from the series. In the mid 90's, Orchid was
definitely a major (and controversial) sex symbol in video game history. For
starters, she "flashes" her opponent as a finishing move in KI1.
^o^ Epic arcade moments & memories... good times.
However, Orchid isn't "all show" as a design. There's much more to her besides being sexy. Her incredibly stylish (and memorable) combos, cool projectiles, and the fact that she turns into a panther made a real statement in the early days. On a side note: I remember back in
the KI1 days that a lot of people picked her because her combos were so easy to perform. (For that reason, I moved on to using other characters. lol.) :P Orchid's redesign in KI2 was also pretty memorable, although I always wondered why she swapped out
her light sabers for tonfas... aren't light sabers more effective?
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
