Aigis (Aegis in
Japan) first appeared in Persona 3. She is an anti-Shadow weapon (the
last one in existence) and a member of S.E.E.S. She is also the main
protagonist of The Answer, the epilogue of Persona 3 FES. Aigis
is a combat
android built by the Kirijo Group to destroy Shadows. Though she is a machine,
her heart allows her to summon her Persona, Athena. Her heavy weaponry and
Orgia Mode help her gain the upper hand. Her initial personality is simply to
obey orders, although she is drawn to Yu Narukami
and begins breaking into his room at night to be with him. In November, she
developed emotions, becoming compassionate and loyal to her friends, though
she struggles to fully understand her new emotions.

Page Updated: Oct. 2nd, 2019
Ultra-powerful android
girl... where have I seen you before? *rolls eyes* Yep, android girls still seem
to be a popular archetype these days. In fairness, Aigis is a pretty cool
looking design... especially in Persona 4 Arena. Her translation to a 2D
sprite was definitely successful thanks to the awesome artists at Arc System
Works. Aigis's projectile-heavy fighting style is also pretty cool, though a bit
cheap in my book.
Visually, she's an eye-catching design... but personally, her android legs freak
me out (particularly her lack of feet). FREAKS. ME. OUT. lol.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
