The Servant of Ilya,
who appears as a swarthy giant with adamantine skin and immense strength. He
wields a colossal stone Axe-Club, and is capable of causing massive destruction
with the mere backlash of his swings. As a Berserker, he is stripped of his
sanity and reason, acting feral and animalistic in combat. Berserkers are
praised as members of the "Strongest" class, though they are difficult
to control and often turn on their Masters. Ilya appears to have little trouble
managing him.

Page Updated:
March 13th, 2014
His face definitely
looks like Akuma's... They must be long
lost brothers. He also looks like a buffed up version of Tam
Tam. Hmm... So you cross Akuma + Tam Tam and you get Berserker? lol.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
Not Yet Rated