Chris Redfield first
appeared in the original Resident Evil as one of two playable
protagonists. In the game, he is a member of STARS' Alpha team, sent to
investigate the disappearance of Bravo team. The squad discovers the remains of
Bravo team's helicopter, but soon encounter a pack of undead dogs. Chris,
accompanied by Albert Wesker, Barry Burton and Jill
Valentine, seek refuge in the nearby mansion, which is filled with deadly
traps and horrific monsters.
Chris returns in Resident
Evil Code: Veronica as the protagonist of the second portion of the game,
where he attempts to rescue his younger sister, Claire, from a secret Umbrella
Corporation facility in Antarctica. While there, he confronts Alexia Ashford,
the creator of the T-Veronica virus, and Wesker.
He embarks on a mission
to destroy the Umbrella Corporation after the game, resulting in an attack on an
Umbrella facility located in the Caucasus region, alongside Jill Valentine, in Resident
Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles. Chris is also the main protagonist of Resident
Evil 5. He is now an agent and founding member of the Bio-terrorism Security
Assessment Alliance (BSAA).

Page Updated:
Sept. 24th, 2022
In my
opinion, Chris
was a pretty generic and mostly uninteresting design up until Resident Evil 5
(and beyond). Somehow, his generic-ness didn't really bother me in RE so
much, but as a fighting game character? ..meh. I think Leon would've
looked better in MVC3, but Capcom likely chose Chris over Leon simply
because he was
in the latest RE game at the time (RE5). Alas, I think Chris's MVC3 appearance seemed a bit
forced. His fighting style is straight to the point and stays true
to the RE series, but he lacks the originality and excitement of Capcom
characters from the MVC2 era.
The "coolest" part about his MVC3 incarnation? The fact he can
use so many different weapons. Yeah, the dude can draw a gun pretty damn fast
(he's been doing it for a while). However, it bothers me a bit that in MVC3,
his flamethrower backpack just
"appears" when he decides to use the flamethrower (and then awkwardly disappears). I'm not even sure that would've looked natural using a 2D sprite. While he's a somewhat fun character in
MVC3, he's still boring old Chris.
I can think of many other exciting Capcom characters that would've been
better for MVC3's flashy style... Ada Wong anyone?
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
