The foul-mouthed
mercenary now known as Deadpool was once little more than medical waste, written
off as a miscarriage of science and technology by the directors of the Canadian
government's enigmatic Weapon X project. Were its name known outside certain
highly specialized circles, the black-ops initiative would have boasted a
distinguished -- if blood-spattered -- track record. Previously, it's
technicians had spawned a number of noteworthy scions -- including the feral Wolverine,
maverick mutant adventurer, and the savage Sabretooth,
psychotic murder machine.
And they
had looked forward to an uninterrupted string of successes. Enter Wade Wilson.
Diagnosed with cancer, the gun-for-hire left the woman he loved and accepted an
unorthodox offer of salvation. Playing upon his hope for a cure, the Weapon X
scientists attempted to recreate Wolverine's genetically endowed healing factor
through artificial means. Although successful, the Byzantine procedure left
Wilson's epidermis and face a horridly callused mess. Considered a failure, he
was consigned to a prison laboratory for program rejects. Unable at first to
accept his mangled appearance, Wilson slipped into the darkest pit of his soul.
He killed several guards and escaped -- dubbing himself "Deadpool,"
after the facility. Some time later, he re-emerged as one of the world's
foremost mercenaries-for-hire.
cementing his reputation as a solider of fortune and quasi-super hero, Deadpool
signed on the dotted line for the terrorist known as Tolliver. His target: the
time-tossed mutant freedom fighter called Cable.
Deadpool learned that his former lover -- Vanessa Carlyle, the shapeshifter
named Copycat -- was posing as Cable's girlfriend and teammate, the
probability-altering Domino. Wilson launched repeated offensives against Cable
and his mutant strike team, X-Force -- culminating with a battle in which
Tolliver was killed and Vanessa seriously wounded. Deadpool showed mercy on his
former flame, diverting a portion of his powers to heal her injuries.
custody in a metal asylum, Deadpool gained the attention of the interdimensional
firm of Landau, Luckman & Lake. LL&L believed Deadpool to be the Mithras,
one who would usher in a new golden age for the inhabitants of Earth. But the
prophecy was a sham: The being destined to bring this era to life actually would
transform the planet's inhabitants into mindless, grinning boobs. Deadpool
averted disaster, but internal politics within LL&L brought an end to their
relationship. His optimism again shattered, Wilson returned to his status as a

Page Updated:
Sep. 22nd, 2023
I must've been 8
or 9 when I was first introduced to Deadpool, while opening a shiny new
pack of Marvel trading cards in the 90's. "Whoa, he sorta looks like
Spider-Man, but he's got machineguns & swords?!" As a
big X-Men fan, DP made plenty of cameos in the comic series I loved most, but he never really took the spotlight. One day many years later, I saw
DP being a total weirdo jerk (yet rather funny) instead of trying to be a
"serious badass"... and this was around the time Deadpool found his
DP's appearance in the Marvel Vs. Series was long overdue, but his epic
incarnation was worth the wait. Countless hilarious mannerisms & taunts, all while fighting like a pro when he needs to. His Level 3 super has to be one of the cleverest supers ever in a fighting game. Also, major props to Capcom for
putting DP's iconic "Shoryuken" in the game and
Magneto's "Welcome to Die" from the 1992
arcade game. ^__^ Capcom killed it with MVC3 Deadpool. Finally, I never expected to see
him on the big screen. Loved both movies (which is rare for me to say). Superhero movies
Juggernaut, and
Colossus alongside Deadpool in the movies was such great fan service.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |