Ezio Auditore da
Firenze is the protagonist of Assassin's Creed II, Assassin's Creed:
Brotherhood, and Assassin's Creed: Revelations. He is a member of
the Assassin Order during the Italian Renaissance.
An ancestor to both
Desmond Miles and Subject 16, Ezio was unaware of his Assassin heritage until
the age of 17, when his father Giovanni and two brothers Federico and
Petruccio were falsely accused of treason and hanged. Ezio, owing to his
adventurous lifestyle, was already extremely agile and was taught how to fight
unlike Altair. He assassinated Uberto Alberti in the process. After seeking
revenge he escapes with his surviving family members to the Tuscan town of
Learning of his
heritage from his uncle, Mario Auditore, Ezio began his Assassin training. He
also undertook his quest for vengeance against the Grand Master of the Templar
Order, Rodrigo Borgia, who had ordered the executions of Ezio's father and two
brothers. Although he succeeds in defeating Rodrigo, Ezio spares his life,
realizing that killing Rodrigo won't bring back his family. During his quest,
Ezio manages to not only unite and decrypt the pages of Altair's Codex for the
first time since the times of his ancestor Domenico Auditore, but also to save
the cities of Florence, Venice, and later Rome from the Templar agents. In
liberating Roma (Assassin's Creed Brotherhood) from Borgia control, he helps
to spread the Renaissance and the Assassin ideals of independence and freedom
of thought throughout Italy.
In Assassin's
Creed: Revelations, Ezio finds a letter written by his father a year
before his birth. The letter tells of a library hidden in Masyaf that has an
untold amount of information in it and can tilt the scale of the Assassin-Templar
war. The letter also speaks of five seals left by Altair that will open the
library. Ezio (now 52 years old)sets off for Constantinople. When Ezio
Auditore finds one of these seals, he goes in an effect that allows him to
relive Altair's memories.

Page Updated: Mar. 29th, 2014
Out of all the mainstream video game
protagonists of this era, I'll admit the "Assassin's Creed guy"
is probably one of
the best. Although, like most heroes of mainstream games, I personally think
he's a bit
overrated, right along with the Assassin's Creed series itself. The series has
some cool aspects, but I always scoffed at the "button mashing FTW"
fighting mechanics. Seriously, too many games of this
era are button masher friendly to appeal to the masses (and it works)... "Tap tap tap"
the same button 20 times = DO COOL STUFF AND WIN... or use the counter button
with super
generous timing. It might look cool... but gimme a f*cking break. That's not
gaming in my book.
As a guest character in SC5, Ezio fits in nearly perfectly with the cast... but
naturally, I don't find him as exciting as other fighters on SC5's
roster. Namco did do a decent job with Ezio's fighting style, but it could've
been more interesting. For one, I wish they gave him some actual stances, but
the variety of weapons he uses is pretty cool. However, Ezio is an asshole for
being able to use a crossbow in a SC game... so I do enjoy getting in close and kicking his ass. lol.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
