Fen was taken in by his
grandfather after the death of his parents and the two made a living by fishing.
One day, Fen encountered Mondo,
who had been injured. He and his grandfather tended to his wounds and in return,
Mondo taught Fen some techniques in spearfighting. When he left, Genma
visited Fen's home. He knew of Mondo's stay and demanded his whereabouts. When
his grandfather told him he was no longer present, Genma killed him. Fen then
formed a team with Puella
Marionette and Lancelot
Lakeknight and entered the fourth Toshinden tournament to take revenge on
Genma, who was also participating.

Page Updated: June 16th, 2020
Yoooo... that pig is pretty cute. The pig is probably my favorite part of this design. Why?
Well, during gameplay, that fat lil' pig just aimlessly walks around as if he
doesn't give two shits about the fight that's going on. ^o^ F***in' funny and underrated stuff. Before you judge fighting game characters, you need to see the pig of Toshinden 4 in action.
Maybe that pig should've been a secret
unlockable character in Toshinden 4. Would've improved the
roster.... Anyhow, onto Fen. This poor kid needs to eat and might not be able to afford shoes, so I'm on his side. I'll donate to his cause to win the Toshinden 4 tournament. Fen's fighting style consists of some pretty generic staff moves - stuff
I've seen other fighting game characters perform much better, but his moveset isn't too bad. While he adds some visual variety to the Toshinden 4 roster (and series overall),
Fen didn't become a very memorable character of the series. His in-game character model was also pretty terrible, especially his poor face. lol.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |