Green Arrow first
appeared in More Fun Comics #73 in 1941. His secret identity is
Oliver Queen, billionaire and former mayor of fictional Star City; and
is best known to his associates as Ollie.
Dressed like Robin Hood, Green
Arrow is an archer who invents trick arrows with various special functions,
such as a glue arrow, a net arrow, explosive arrow, time bomb arrow, grappling
arrow, fire extinguishing arrow, flash arrow, tear gas arrow, cryonic arrow,
a boxing-glove arrow, and even a kryptonite arrow.
Throughout his first twenty-five
years, Green Arrow was not a significant hero. In the late 1960s, however,
writers chose to have him lose his fortune, giving him the then-unique
role of streetwise crusader for the working class and the disadvantaged.
In 1970, he was paired with the more law-and-order-oriented hero Green
Lantern in a groundbreaking, socially conscious comic book series.
Since then, he has been popular among comic book fans and most writers
have taken an urban, gritty approach to the character.
