Growing up in New York
City, Daniel Rand was the son of a wealthy American businessman, Wendell Rand.
Daniel's father discovered the mystical city of K'un-L'un as a young boy.
During the time he spent in K'un L'un, Wendell saved the life of Lord
Tuan, the city's ruler, and was adopted as Tuan's son. Years later, Wendell left K'un
L'un and became a wealthy entrepreneur in America. He married
socialite Heather Duncan and had a child, Daniel.
When Daniel was nine, his father organized an expedition to seek out the city
of K'un L'un. Wendell took his family on the expedition with him, and was also
accompanied by his business partner, Harold Meachum. During their journey,
they traveled up a mountain and Daniel slipped off the path. His tie-rope took
his mother
and father with him. Meachum (who secretly loved Heather) allowed Wendell to plunge
to his death but offered to rescue Heather and Daniel. She rejected his help
and continued on their journey without him. Heather and Daniel came across a makeshift bridge, that
appeared out of nowhere, and were attacked by a pack of wolves. Heather threw herself
at the wolves in an effort to save Daniel and was killed. Archers from the
K'un L'un attempted to save her, but failed. The archers took the distraught Daniel to see
the ruler of K'un L'un. When Daniel expressed his desire for revenge, Yu-Ti
apprenticed him to Lei Kung, the Thunderer, who taught him martial
Daniel proved to be
the most talented of Lei Kung's students. Over the course of many years, he
conditioned his fists by plunging
them into buckets of sand, gravel and rock. At the age of 19, Daniel was given the chance to attain the power of the Iron Fist by fighting and
defeating the dragon known as Shou-Lao the Undying, which guarded the molten
heart that had been torn from its body. During the battle, Daniel threw himself against the scar of
Shou-Lao, burning a dragon tattoo into his
chest. After killing Shou-Lao, he entered its cave and plunged his fists into a
brazier which contained the creature's molten heart, and emerged with the power of the
Iron Fist. It is later revealed that there have been many Iron Fists before
Daniel, making him the modern warrior of a long lineage of Iron Fists.
When K'un L'un
reappeared on Earth after 10 years, Daniel decided to leave and find his
father's killer. Returning to New York, Daniel, dressed in the ceremonial
attire of the Iron Fist, went after Harold Meachum, who was now head of Meachum
Industries. After overcoming a number of attempts on his life, he confronted
Meachum in his office. Meachum was now legless... after abandoning Daniel and
his mother, he was caught in heavy snow
and his legs became frostbitten.
Meacham begged for life. Overcome with pity for this pathetic
shell of a man, Iron Fist walked away. At that moment, Meachum was murdered by a
mysterious ninja and his daughter Joy blamed Iron Fist for the death.
Eventually, Iron Fist cleared his name and began his career as a superhero. He
was aided by his friends Colleen Wing and Misty Knight (who he later fell in
love with). Notable adversaries in his early career include the first appearance
of Sabretooth,
the mysterious Master Khan (whom the ninja that killed Meachum once served),
and the Steel Serpent, the exiled son of Lei Kung, who coveted the Iron Fist
power. Iron Fist's first appearance was in Marvel Premiere #15 (1974).

Page Updated: June
8th, 2022
Every time I saw
a picture of Iron Fist after the release of the original Marvel VS Capcom, I always thought that
he'd be a perfect fit for the series... and of course make a cool match-up for
many of
Capcom's martial arts inspired characters. Needless to say, I'm glad they
finally put him in the series!
Iron Fist's fighting style is just about as cool as I had hoped. I like Iron
Fist the most out of all of the 12 new fighters of UMVC3. His moves and
mannerisms look inspired by the likes of Bruce Lee, as they should. His super
moves are pretty badass as well... they're probably my favorite part of his UMVC3
appearance. I think they could've done his voice a little bit better. Some of
those "wataaahs" sound just a little uninspired. On a side note,
Iron Fist and classic "Street
Fighter 1 Ryu" make an awesome team-up in UMVC3... Kung-Fu shoes
FTW! lol.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |

