Replicant (Repli) is
robotic copy of Sho Shinjo created by Ronron.
Replicant was supposed to be the prototype in a series of battle androids meant
for law enforcement. However, it was stolen by Wolf:
Ronron's superior, and reprogrammed into becoming a ruthless killing machine.
Eventually, Replicant would meet its end at the hands of the real Sho Shinjo, who
easily defeated the android. Replicant only appears in Battle
Arena Toshinden URA, the Sega Saturn version of Toshinden 2 a sub-bossand
unlockable hidden character.

Page Updated: Oct. 29th, 2020
Sho is yet
another fighting game character to get the "evil version" treatment.
Not surprised, since Sho was always a cool character. Quick shoutouts to Evil
Ryu, Violent Ken, Devil
Jin, Orochi Iori & Wild
Daigo... Just for fun. As a design, there's not much going on with
Replicant. Just a "darker" version of Sho... nothing more, nothing
less (well, maybe less personality). Kinda cool I guess, but the design was
definitely underused.
So Replicant was "easily defeated "by the real Sho? Looks like he's
named RepliCANT for a reason. Heh... heh heh.
Style / Moveset |

/ Charisma |

/ Appearance |

in series |

Score |