Toro has been Sony's mascot in Japan since the days of the original PlayStation.
His real name is Toro Inoue and he's also known as the "Sony Cat". Toro first
appeared in July 1999 as the main character in the video game Doko Demo
Issyo for the PlayStation. Toro also makes an appearance in a wide variety
of other PlayStation titles, including: Ape Escape Million Monkeys, Dokodemo Issho, Mainichi
Issho, Everybody's Golf 5 and White Knight Chronicles 2. Toro
"costumes" also appear in LittleBigPlanet and Tales of Graces F.
Toro and his friend Kuro made their official fighting
game debuts in the PlayStation 3 and PS Vita versions of the Street Fighter X Tekken, where
Toro mimics Ryu's
fighting style. Toro is also a playable character in the fighting
"party" game, PlayStation All-Stars
Battle Royale, with Kuro assisting him during one of his attacks.
Toro's Street Fighter X Tekken bio describes him as "the cat who wants
to be human". Lonely but pampered, Toro is a cat that is very pure-hearted
and simple-minded. Toro awakened the power of the Hadou while attempting to
remember as many words as possible in a quest to become human. Toro loves tuna,
wrapped fermented beans, shrimp, and is an accomplished sewist.

Page Updated:
Oct. 30th, 2023
While I'm sure some purist 2D fighting game fans were a bit "put off" by Toro the Cat appearing in the potentially-epic Street Fighter X
Tekken, Toro is a PlayStation icon and a design that wasn't meant to be taken too seriously... I even think he's a pretty
hilarious character in the game. Early on, I was hoping that SF X Tekken would turn out to be a
more "serious" game, but after seeing all the ridiculously silly stuff producer Yoshinori Ono and Capcom ended up doing in SFXT, the inclusion of Toro the Cat hardly surprised me.
Anyhow, the fact that Toro's fighting style is closely
based on Ryu's is definitely clever and entertaining for fighting game players, making him fun to use right off the bat. The
sounds and facial expressions Toro makes when throwing Hadoukens and Shoryukens are quite entertaining. Besides that, he's a cute character that girlfriends and
cat lovers will enjoy using. ;) He also appeared in the platform / party game, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
