ν-13 is a
Mecha Musume
who was sealed in the Sheol Gate. She was programmed to terminate anyone she
deems as hostile subjects that come near the Gate. ν-13 is also shown to
have a split personality, split between an emotionless girl when around others
and a Yandere when around Ragna, though this may be how
she was programmed to act. ν-13 wants to absorb Ragna and have him join her
in destroying the world, because she, too, possesses a piece of the Azure
Grimoire (Although neither she nor Ragna realized the pieces they possess were
actually imitations).
When Ragna refuses to join her and breaks her heart, she decides to take him by
force. She also knows Hakumen, recognizing him as a
"Sankishin Unit". She, as with Noel, was made as a replica of Saya,
Ragna and Jin's sister, who is presumed to be dead. They seem to share some of
Saya's memories, though nothing congruous. When Ragna and ν-13 merge they
become the Black Beast, something ν-13 seems to be intent on causing above
all else. In battle, she summons numerous swords to keep pressure on her
opponents from a distance. Her battle appearance even stems from an apparatus,
resembling a large sword with a face, that breaks apart to become her armor and
Lambda is an imitation Murakumo Unit created and controlled by Kokonoe
by combining the body of the 11th experimental replica of Saya with the soul of ν-13,
recovered after falling into the Sheol Gate. Lambda was originally created by Relius
Clover for the purpose of serving as a test subject for the experiments of
the NOL's scientists. Lambda died during the painful experimentation and was
disposed of, deemed a failure. She was later retrieved from Ibukido by Iron
Tager and revived by Kokonoe. Kokonoe completely erased her memory, and as a
result, Λ-No.11- is only interested in carrying out Kokonoe's orders. Due
to having Nu's soul implanted within her, Nu's memories occasionally try to come
back to her, causing her great pain, something Hazama
takes full advantage of by merely mentioning Ragna the Bloodedge.
