is the main antagonist of Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening. He is the
older of the twin sons of Sparda and Eva. Unlike his younger brother, Dante,
he embraces his demonic heritage and despises his human side. His personality
also contrasts Dante's, as he is cold blooded and sardonic. He has a lust for
power and is willing to disregard anything to obtain the power of his father,
Sparda. His weapon is called Yamato, a keepsake from his fathers.

Page Updated:
Sep. 21st, 2023
To be honest, I
never got far enough in DMC3 to fight Vergil or play as him, so his
appearance in UMVC3 didn't really excite me. Anyhow, after trying him out
in UMVC3, I can see why he has a fanbase. He's got some badass moves &
animations and a pretty cool in-game persona as well. I'm sure the effect is
multiplied several times for the Devil May Cry fans. ;)
Design-wise, I'm not sure how I feel about his ever-so-intimidating "light
trench coat (not too many guys can get away with that color and look cool), but I suppose the color is a contrast to Dante's... so it makes
sense. I really like the alternate colors they gave him in UMVC3... but
something about his overall design just seems... ordinary. Maybe because
I've seen about 150 anime characters with that exact same spiky hairstyle...
lol. In any case, Vergil is a badass and makes a statement in UMVC3. In face,
he's easily the most prominent "badass" of the UMVC3
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |

