Zola is a famous opera singer,
who doubles as an assassin for the Organization. She participates in the
third Toshinden tournament. Her physical appearance is based on Catwoman
of the Batman
franchise and she also exhibits some of the same feline behavior as her,
including scratching herself with her foot before a round begins, running
on all fours, rubbing her head against her whip as one of her win poses
and embarrassedly grooming herself if she is defeated when being controlled
in a single-player gameplay mode.

Page Updated: July 1st, 2019
Zola has some obvious inspirations from Catwoman and
Doronjo... but I'm not hatin' on her. Daaaamn. I'd say she's doing a
good job at it. She looks good to me... and rip-off or not, Zola is one of the more interesting and cool characters in Toshinden
3. Slim pickins' and all... but hey.
No doubt any Catwoman fan would wanna try her out in the game. Zola's in-game fighting style isn't bad either, though she borrows many things from
Sofia if I remember correctly.
On a side note: Cleavage. That's a lot of cleavage. ^o^
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
