Ii first appeared in the Samurai Warriors series and made her fighting game
debut in Dead or Alive 5: Last Round. She is one of the few women of the
Warring States period known to have ruled as lord of her clan. Naotora reigned
as the twentieth clan head after her father perished at Okehazama and his
designated heir's death to scandal. However, she was allegedly given the title
"Female Landlord" rather than the formal title as clan head.
Naotora fears war and any sort of conflict. She is first encouraged to fight
by her close friend, Tazu, who is Tsuratatsu Iio's wife. Hoping to protect
Tazu from danger, Naotora builds enough confidence to fight at Okehazama. Due
to the actions of her relatives, however, the Iio clan turn on the Ii clan.
The Ii clan vanquish the Iio clan, Tazu dying as a result. Soon after, her
clan loses its castle with the Imagawa's fall. Although despondent to have
lost her home and friend, Naotora swears to persevere for Toramatsu's sake.
Naotora's basic weapons are named after flowers. Her Normal weapon is named
after a wisteria vine. A tree peony is named in her Power weapon. Rabbit-ear
iris is named in her Speed weapon, a flower which is famed to grow in Mikawa
(modern day Aichi Prefecture).

Updated: Feb. 26th, 2016
Warriors.... I played the first one, maybe the second one? I don't remember
many characters from that series. Anyhow, looks like DOA5: Last Round
just got its 47th female character. Congratulations. >____> Alright, I
guess she looks sorta cool. We'll see.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
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in series |
Score |
Not Yet Rated