Hailing from Thailand,
Tia Langray is a female martial artist known for her kicks. Her name in the
1994 prototype version of Breakers, titiled Crystal Legacy, was
Shelly Tarlar, later given to her clone counterpart in Breakers. Her
prototype iteration has her in a slightly different outfit.
Fun Fact: Tia's clone counterpart, Shelly Tarlar, is a female kickboxer who
fought Tia's brother in the past and is a local celebrity in her hometown. She
possesses the so-called "Gem of Water".

Updated: Jan. 4th, 2021
Tia Langray is an interesting mix of several well-known fighting game characters. For one... she definitely resembles Yuri
Sakazaki with those leggings, converse, and headband. (I guess you would've had to play AOF2 or KOF for years to make that comparison.) Tia also has Chun-Li's lightning kicks, Guile's
sonic booms, a Shoryuken, and M. Bison's psycho
crusher. Wow. lol. Because the aforementioned characters debuted years before Tia
Langray came into existence... Tia is guilty of plagiarism. Go to plagiarism jail. *Bonk*
In the Breakers series, Tia is interestingly enough the only "attractive" female on the roster (unless you're into buff jungle beast-women). That said, Tia is a naturally likeable design considering the limitations of the game's roster. To her credit, Tia is easily one of the more interesting characters from Breakers
Revenge and has some pretty solid animations. Her fighting style ain't too bad, overlooking the rip-off stuff. You might even say she's the
main protagonist of Breakers and one of the most recognizable characters from the game. You're cool Tia... you're cool. You
just don't have to try so hard, y'know? Just be yourself. lol. I actually wouldn't mind seeing her make an appearance in a SNK crossover or even KOF.
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