Slamkovich (known as Aleksey Zalazof in Japan) is the main character from the Slam
Masters series of wrestling games. The
son of a Russian senior bureaucrat, Biff has received special education in
wrestling since he was a child. He practices an assortment of martial arts (Sambo,
Karate, etc.) and has won many championships. Disliking showmanship, Biff
prefers executing his attacks with concentrated power and playing out every
move in his head. At one time, he was a student at Mike
Haggar's gym, along with his friend/rival and fellow wrestler Gunloc. It
upsets him greatly that some individuals consider wrestling to be fake. Biff
stands 6'4" and weighs 264 lbs. He enjoys American heavy metal music.
Biff has yet to make
an appearance in the mainline Street Fighter games, but a character
relations chart in Street Fighter V: A Visionary Book lists him as part
of the CWA alongside Gunloc.

Page Updated:
Apr. 7th, 2023
While I think
"Biff" is a cool name... Biff Slamkovich
is really a terrible wrestling name... or terribly awesome depending how you look at
it. (I read 'Beef Sandwich' when I see his name.) Visually, Biff seems to be an early Alex
from Street Fighter. The "good guy" vibes are strong with this
guy, but do we really know? I think the dude could work heel easily. He seems
like a legit protagonist with the 90s Chris Jericho hair that so many wrestlers
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |