Conan The Barbarian


Conan of Cimmeria, also known as "Conan the Barbarian" or "Conan the Destroyer" or simply as Conan, is a Cimmerian warrior known for his appearances in the Conan franchise. A warrior hero from Cimmeria, Conan originated from pulp magazines written by Robert E. Howard in the early 1930s that expanded to a long running franchise of books, films, and comic books, leading him to be a widely known character in sword and sorcery storytelling before becoming an action icon with his appearances in film in the 1980s. Conan made his fighting game debut in Mortal Kombat 1.


Mortal Kombat 1


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Page Updated:  Jan. 23rd, 2025

I grew up loving the Conan movies in the 80s. We got fake Arnold in MK11 and now we get him in MK1 as a different character. Hilarious. Epic. I praise NRS for their effort and creativity in creating their masterpiece fighting game, Mugen Kombat 1. So we can have dream match-ups like Homelander versus Conan, or Scream guy verus Conan, that fans have been waiting 40 years for. It all makes perfect sense in the Mortal Kombat universe. They're totally not doing this 100% for money and nothing else.

Even as a former Conan fan, I don't care about this character appearing in MK1. If anything, I feel bad for Arnold to have his likeness gruesomely mutilated in 100 different ways. (What every Conan fan ever wanted, really.) I can think of PS1 fighting games with better sword animation than Conan in MK1. Then I can think about countless PS2 fighting games that blow MK1's Conan animation out of the water. Nope, I still won't play Mortal Kombat 1 and look at that shitty animation. NRS still couldn't pay me enough to play their MUGEN fighting game.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset  
Personality  /  Charisma  
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance  
Effectiveness  in  series  
Overall Score

Not Yet Rated