chosen Mage that wields the power of the winds in battle. In Pandemonium
stands Stormy Heights, a place where arctic winds blow all year long. The
Swift Masters believe that the direction in which wind blows holds special
powers, thus deciding the fate of a newborn depending on whatever winds it was
born in. However, it is said that those who are born when no winds blow are
destined to become Wind Gods. The sight of them bending wind to their will to
strike fast as lightning and as punishing as a storm is said to install awe in

Updated: July 6th, 2022
If Swift Master
looks like that annoying type of character who throws tornados everywhere and
uses cheap "wind gimmicks"... that's because that's exactly what he
(she?) is. I can't tell what this character's sex is just yet. lol. Swift Master
can control his opponent's position on the stage, moving them closer or farther
away from him using his wind abilities (similar to Iron
Tager or Rachel from BlazBlue).
I kind of hate characters like this. They're just annoying to me, but that's
just me.
No doubt Swift Master has some crazy combo possibilities and gimmicks for those
folks interested in this type of character. If you happen to think Street
Fighter V's Rashid is an
annoying character in any way... forget about it. You're not
prepared for this level of "wind troll". Not all fighting game
characters will appeal to everyone's tastes, but hopefully this character isn't
annoying enough to ruin the game for some.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |