& Lucky Chloe
that "awkward time" during the lifecycle of the original Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures toy line in the 90's (or really
any popular action figures line), when they started heavily milking the
popularity of it by introducing brainless rehash designs like "scuba dive action
Raphael" and "Chef Leonardo"? It seems that's about where
SFV's lifecycle is... near the end. Kage looks like one of those
overpowered MUGEN characters... but he also looks like Lucky Chloe from
TEKKEN 7. Ryu has gone kawaii.
This is no "Evil" Ryu. This is the type of Ryu that gets
kicked out of a hardcore German goth club and told to go down the street
to the "ravers club" where the furries and glow-light-wearin' anime folk are hanging out.
Kage? More like Kah-gay. This character doesn't look evil at all. Lucky
Chloe wants her cat ear headphones back. The decision to give Ryu a long
red ribbon around his neck only makes him look more like Lucky Chloe.
I'm marking this one as coincidence... only because Ryu could never have as
much fashion sense as Lucky Chloe.
Carmine & Tsukikage
debuted as the "freak" of Garou: Mark of The Wolves in
1999. He's a dark, evil badass, yet some might say he was a
"sleeper" character in Garou. However, Freeman
definitely seems to have inspired a couple of "wannabes" over
the past 15+ years he's been around. In 2012, Carmine appeared in Under
Night-In Birth, boasting mannerisms and attacks quite similar to
Freeman (his walking animation is exactly the same, too).
Yeah... I'm suuuuure that's a coincidence. The designers of
Xuan Dou Zhi Wang had a similar idea around the same time, as
Tsukikage made his debut in early 2013. Tsukikage is even more of a
Freeman clone... with tons of "claw attacks" and very very
similar mannerisms. Call them rip-offs maybe, but Carmine &
Tsukikage are actually pretty cool fighters in their respective games.
In a cross-over alternate universe, it's pretty clear that all 3 of them
are part of the same gang or cult, and trained under the same master...
(who hasn't debuted in a fighting game yet).
Bryant, Nina Williams, Jill Valentine, Zero Suit Samus Aran & Cassie Cage

This is ridiculous.... just ridiculous. First off, Sarah Bryant, you
were indeed the first hot blonde in skin-tight blue spandex in the
fighting game universe, so no one is blaming you. Nina Williams, you were
the second, but you had some badass moves that Sarah could never dream of
doing. Nina & Sarah had their fair share of similarities in the 90's,
but were different enough when it came down to brass tax.
Then... about 15 years later, in RE5 (and later in MVC3)
Capcom decides to reinvent the iconic brunette from Resident Evil,
Jill Valentine, by slapping some blonde hair on her and giving her a
skin-tight outfit that's nearly identical to Nina's.
Seriously Capcom? And then... there's Zero Suit Samus by Nintendo. *sigh*
Alright, it's official... LISTEN UP FIGHTING GAME DESIGNERS - You are no
longer allowed to create any more blonde-haired girls wearing blue spandex
suits.... NO MORE. 
I said NO MORE... but of course, in late 2014... NetherRealm Studios had
to do it. They just had to. The blonde-haired chick in a bluish spandex
suit is just too tempting... I know. No other hair color or suit color
could've possibly worked. Congrats Johnny Cage & Sonya Blade.....
you assholes.