This year, The Fighters Generation is proud to introduce an all new "Artist Spotlight" series featuring some incredibly talented and passionate independent artists! The first
artist up is LDAWB - a 2D/3D character illustrator from Texas, USA, with over 34k Instagram followers. LDAWB is known for his sharp lines, clean & vibrant coloring, dynamic poses, original character concepts, and amazing tributes to beloved characters from a variety of gaming genres. Below, learn about some of LDAWB's inspirations, past projects, and take a closer look at his
brilliant Rival Schools 20th Anniversary Tribute - sure to be appreciated by any fan of the
series (especially those of us still hoping Capcom will make Rival Schools 3). 
This week... Fighters Gen asked IDAWB some questions about the inspirations behind his artwork, favorite games / characters, wish list for Rival Schools 3, etc.
TFG: Who are some fighting game artists that have inspired your work?
IDAWB: The 'Golden Age' Capcom Artists mainly. Akiman, Bengus, Edayan, Ikeno & Kinu Nishimura. Tetsuya Nomura who did the Dissidia series was one of my main inspirations as well.

TFG: What are your TOP 5 favorite fighting games?
IDAWB: Street Fighter Alpha 2, TEKKEN 3, Rival Schools, Power Stone, and of course, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike.
TFG: Who would you say are your TOP 5 favorite fighting game characters?
IDAWB: Ryu, K Dash, Batsu, Jin Kazama, and all-time favorite, Ken Masters.

TFG: If Capcom makes Rival Schools 3, what's on your wish list?
IDAWB: Interesting question! Story wise, seeing the original characters age gracefully & seeing new characters representing their proper schools would be a fresh take. (Like the SF3: New Generation route but making sure the OG characters are there but more robust, stronger & seasoned.) Other Capcom character cameos would be a blast
to see too!
TFG: What are your favorite aspects of Rival Schools as a series?
IDAWB: Really & truly how silly but over the top it is. There's a sense of innocence but it exhibits crazy levels of hype & fun in its characters & settings. If it's fun on purpose, people will always remember that.
TFG: Your best Rival Schools team?
IDAWB: Easily Taiyo High. No question!