POSTED: Wednesday, August 4th, 2021
Next KOF XV Character Reveal Set for August 11th
While some past
King of Fighters XV character reveal trailer "teaser" silhouettes have been fairly easy to guess... others have sent fans (and artists) through a loop —
spawning many entertaining fan artist takes and funny photoshops via social media. SNK released the latest upcoming KOF XV character silhouette Tuesday night and announced the next character
will go live
11th (PDT)!
That means fans have an entire week to ponder on who this new character is... My guess? Could it be returning KOF 14 boss,
Antonov? ...or will SNK surprise us all with a new or returning pro-wrestler / grappler from the SNK vaults? [UPDATE] Called it! Antonov was
revealed by SNK on Wednesday.
Yes, Street Fighter V Director Takayuki Nakayama already weighed in with his artistic guess. Omega Rugal? 
This character is also doing the winpose of Jin Fu-Ha from AOF3 and has the same build. Art by @geta0201.
Or could it be an American Sports Team member? Here's a humorous take by @sugoi_wotoko.
Stay tuned in on Fighters Generation for upcoming King of Fighters XV news.
SNK Global (Twitter), @takaNakayama,
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trailer + screenshots inside!
Related TFG Links: KOF XV, Antonov,
Omega Rugal,
Jin Fu-Ha |