POSTED: Tuesday, April 20th, 2021
Street Fighter V Art Director Takayuki Nakayama Takes Guesses on Next KOF XV Characters with Original Art
Continuing the
KOF 15 hype, SNK has been posting a teaser character silhouette on Tuesday evenings —
ahead of the official Wednesday night reveals. For two weeks in a row, Street Fighter V Art Director
Takayuki Nakayama has tweeted his own "guesses" for each upcoming KOF XV character in an impressively unique way. With many other excited SNK Twitter-ers rabidly posting memes and quick photoshop edits (usually with Geese Howard in every image), Nakayama actually
took the time to
draw his own
illustrations into the silhouettes! And they're great! The results so far have been a real treat for any SNK fan scrolling on the Twitter-verse. *In case you missed out
on the fun on Twitter over the past couple of weeks, simply scroll down to view each SNK silhouettes before witnessing Nakayama's hilarious / epic / clever takes. It
would appear the friendly competition /
relationship between Capcom and SNK is still alive and well. 
*This article will be updated with future artwork posts from Takayuki Nakayama. (Do you like this game? Try making your own on Twitter for upcoming KOF XV character reveals!)
FUN FACT: This practice is actually an old tradition in some classic Japanese gaming magazines, with artists illustrating their random guesses into teaser silhouettes of upcoming gaming
characters. As a matter of fact...
Back when Samurai Shodown 2 was announced...

(Below) Artistic guesses before Genjuro,
Nicotine, Sieger & Cham Cham were revealed!

Fighting Game History is Fun.
Remember, if you're reading this on a Tuesday, remember it's just Tuesday, and keep your eyes peeled on Twitter for Nakayama's latest antics! Follow
@TakaNakayama on Twitter to see his future posts. (And please continue retweeting his artwork until the KOF15 launch, as well.) I think I speak on behalf of all
fighting game fans when I say thank you Nakayama-san! Your artwork is fire and we love it. Please keep it up!
Keep it here on The Fighters Generation for future KOF XV reveals!
Related News | April 2021
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It's another Wednesday night and another new character revealed for The King of Fighters XV! SNK announced classic "New Face Team" member Shermie for KOF XV with a new
trailer and an updated look for the KOF '97 veteran. Watch Shermie's official gameplay reveal trailer in 4K quality and check out some brand new HD
screenshots from SNK, inside!
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(4-14-2021): Shermie Revealed for KOF XV,
(4-7-2021): Mai Shiranui Announced for KOF XV,
(4-6-2021): Akira Kazama SFV: Champion Edition Reveal Trailer,
(3-31-2021): King Revealed for The King of Fighters XV,
(3-28-2021): Team Fatal Fury KOFXV Idle Stances / OST,
(3-24-2021): Yashiro Nanakase Revealed for KOF XV,
(3-21-2021): Rare Samurai Shodown 64 Prototype Discovered
Related TFG Links:
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