POSTED: Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020
Mortal Kombat 11 Mileena Character Art
We've already seen the new Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate gameplay of upcoming Kombat Pack 2 DLC characters, Rambo and Rain... but NetherRealm Studios has yet to reveal any
in-game footage of Mileena. (That will likely change very soon, and we'll post Mileena's gameplay trailer as soon as it becomes available).
Check out Mileena's official gameplay
reveal trailer. Until then, take a look at Mileena's full-size MK11: Ultimate character artwork / render, giving us a closer look at her new default costume. As you can see, Mileena is being safe from COVID-19 and wearing a
(characteristically purple) N95 mask. There is absolutely no other reason she would be wearing such a mask. 
Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate launches on November 17th, 2020.
Mortal Kombat (Twitter)
Mortal Kombat 11 Rambo Gameplay Trailer
Today, NetherRealm Studios released yet another new Mortal Kombat 11 gameplay trailer to get fans excited for upcoming Kombat Pack 2 DLC character, Rambo. The
new trailer features commentary by none other than Johnny Cage and demonstrates more of Rambo's moveset and animations, including two Brutalities, alternate costumes, win animations, and more.
Related News:
(11-5-2020): Mortal Kombat 11 Mileena Gameplay Reveal,
(10-22-2020): MK11 Rambo First Gameplay Trailer,
(10-15-2020): MK11: Ultimate Rain Gameplay Trailer,
(10-8-2020): Rambo, Rain & Mileena Revealed for MK11,
(10-6-2020): Mortal Kombat 4 Endings Remade in Unreal Engine 4,
(5-21-2020): RoboCop Versus Terminator MK11 Gameplay
Related TFG Links: Mortal Kombat 11,
Mileena |