SNK ALLSTAR is an upcoming KOF spin-off mobile title being developed by SuperPrism Games and is launching soon in North America and Europe. SNK ALLSTAR is said to feature "over
70" characters from iconic SNK franchises, including: The King of Fighters, The Last Blade, and Samurai Shodown. The game is described as a deck-building card-battle game with arcade beat-em-up style fighting mechanics and is planned for release in Q3 2020. Below, check out the first official artwork, main features, and more details on SNK

Main Features of the Game:
Deep deck-building brawling action
A combination of customizable card-deck combos and classical arcade combat
Simple combos; streamlined mechanics
Awesome special attacks and incredible visuals
Enhanced visuals and intricate graphical details
Experience an integrated storyline through the campaign and its cut scenes
Master tactics and strategies to overcome all challenges

SNK Allstar is an officially recognized King of Fighters spin-off, bringing together an all-star cast of fighters from KoF, Samurai Shodown, The Last Blade, and the greater SNK universe such as Ukyo Tachibana, Kyo Kusanagi, Mai Shiranui, etc.
Experience innovative and creative combat mechanics that deviates but pays homage to the original arcade beat-’em-up’s style. Recruit dozens of fighters from eight different styles and over 20 factions before unleashing their might in a clash to behold.
1. Enter the Tournament, Join the Universe
Witness an ageless battle between good and evil as the descendants of the Three Artifact Clans face the forces of the Orochi. Watch as over 70 characters from the SNK universe come together to do battle in the King of Fighters tournament, including such individuals as Ukyo Tachibana from the cast of Samurai Shodown and other legendary heroes from The
Last Blade!
2. Log in, Recruit Fighters
Recruit incredible fighters such as Kyo Kusanagi, Terry Bogard, Yuri Sakazaki, and Mai Shiranui just by logging into the game. These heroes and countless other rewards await within SNK Allstar.
3. Limitless Character Empowerment
Engage in innovative and pulse-pounding real-time combat that will have you chaining devastating combos, marveling at gorgeous effects, before decimating your foes your ultimate moves. There is no upper limit to character empowerment, so prepare to make your already mighty fighters legendary!
4. Expansive Game Modes, Endless Challenges
Play through the campaign, face your foes in resource battles, and capture territory for your club in a game mode that has you sharing a card pool with your foes for balance. Master your tactics to optimize your combat effectiveness and enjoy overcoming endless challenges.
5. Build a Team, Join a Community
Experience countless opportunities to socialize with your fellow players. Challenge your friends to battles, chat with them in real-time, form the strongest teams, and come together to take the King of Fighters tournament by storm.

And be sure to visit the OFFICIAL SITE It actually looks really cool.
Pre-registration for SNK Allstar is now live in Europe on Google Play and will be opening "soon" for North America. And if you plan on pre-registering or downloading the game in the future... stay tuned on
Fighters Gen for an exclusive code to unlock FREE upcoming content in SNK ALLSTAR. More details will be revealed soon.