In February 2019, Capcom's official
"Shadaloo Combat Research Institute" website posted an interesting interview revealing new information about the company's iconic 2D beat-em-up title and arcade smash hit, Final Fight. The article features commentary by influential Capcom
developers: Akira Yasuda (Akiman), Akira Nishitani, SY, and Nissui. "
Originally considered a 'sequel' to the Street Fighter 1
(with the early title of Street Fighter '89), Final Fight
made a tremendous impact on not only the Street Fighter universe... but video games as a whole." Any old school fan will tell you how Final Fight defined the image of Capcom in the early 90's, later to become "one" with the Street Fighter universe. Here in TFG's retrospective article, enjoy reading about the history and development of the Final
Fight and its sequels, and learn more about the inspirations behind the game's original storyline and characters.

So grab a cup a' cawfee (or a roast turkey) and take a walk back
to one hell of an influential year... 1989. Scroll down to
feast your eyes on a collection of nostalgic, high-quality art,
prom posters, early development concept art & images, and
finally, plenty of FUN FACTS!

Final Fight 1 - How to Play (English) materials from Capcom.
This explains the basics of how to play the game,
detailing the Deathblow and Grab gameplay mechanics. |
Original Final Fight arcade poster artwork from 1989 - drawn by Akira "Akiman" Yasuda. (Hugo survived the head concussion and is doing just fine, btw.) |
Final Fight "good guys
versus bad guys" artwork / Metro City map illustrated by Bengus. |
Cody Travers and Mike Haggar
rare concept art by Akiman. |
image from a Capcom arcade flyer showing the early arcade cabinet concept from when
the game was originally dubbed Street Fighter '89. |
Final Fight official artwork / Super Famicom cover illustration. |
The glorious, iconic, unforgettable
Super Nintendo box artwork. |

Above, Final Fight Japanese manual artwork / character profiles. |
Final Fight / Final Fight CD official Character
Art for the entire cast! Continue scrolling down to
see a ton of individual character artworks for Final
Fight's loveable and influential heroes and baddies. |

Final Fight / Final Fight CD official character illustrations (continued). |

Final concept art for Poison, Cody, Guy, Haggar, El Gato, Edi, J and Two P. |

■ Final Fight 1 Japan character concept illustrations.

■ Final Fight 1 North America promo flyer / game description from Capcom U.S.A.

The second season of the American Street Fighter animated series had an episode titled "Final Fight" directly
based on the original game. The episode centered around Cody and Guy teaming up with Ryu and Ken to rescue Jessica from the Mad Gear gang. While Cody and Guy eventually became playable Street Fighter characters, this episode actually predates Cody's SFA3 appearance. The full episode is included as unlockable content in Final Fight: Double Impact.