Tuesday, December 12th, 2017
Reveals New Details on Soul
Calibur 6
week's Famitsu magazine contains interviews with Soul Calibur 6
producer and developers, Motohiro Okubo, Yoshiyuki Takahashi &
Michinori Ozawa. Fans are hungry for more details, and we've got the
latest bullet points regarding Soul Calibur 6 development, gameplay
details, and what to expect out of this highly-anticipated sequel. Thanks
to Ryokuta2089 and AvoidingThePuddle for compiling these bullet points.
Soul Calibur 6 came
together because it was the 20th anniversary of the series without a
3D Weapons based fighting game on the current generation of consoles.
The keyword for Soul
Calibur 6 is "Reboot." The game will feature a Story Mode.
The story for the
game is going back to its more older roots to re-establish the world
for both old and new players.
Soul Calibur 6's
story goes back to the year 1586 to unveil all the mysteries from the
original Soul Calibur.
There will be brand
new characters making an appearance in the game. They will also play a
big role during the Soul Calibur 6 story.
Right now Mitsurugi
and Sophitia have been revealed to be in the game but other character
reveals are coming.
"Please look
forward to collaborations with other works / Guest Character(s)!"
The base fundamental
system of the game like the horizontal attacks, vertical attacks &
8 way run have not changed.
They're tuning the
game's speed and ease of use to be comfortable for players.
The biggest change
made to the battle system is the "Reversal Edge" mechanic
which will allow you to block almost every incoming high, mid &
low attack with the use of a single button input.
If you let go of the
button during the Reversal Edge sequence, your character will do a
specific retaliation like attack.
The "Reversal
Edge" will help newer players be able to dive in to the deeper
mind games and strategy aspects during a battle even against advanced
They're focusing on
how to make players feel the joy in the weapons based combat gameplay
more with the simple single button use. It's a notable point and
they're still deliberating on how they want it to show in game.
Critical Edges make a
return in Soul Calibur 6. The input to perform these super moves were
difficult in Soul Calibur 5 so there will be a single button
activation to use them in Soul Calibur 6.
"Critical Edge" as well as "Soul Charge" in Soul
Calibur 6. Soul Charge will allow you to power up your attacks at the
expense of the meter gauge. There are also moves that can only be done
from Soul Charge.
For the advanced
players, there is the "Lethal Hit" mechanic which are
certain moves that under the right circumstances trigger a slow motion
effect and send the opponent flying leading into strong combos. Lethal
Hits can even break the opponent's armor off if you manage to land
with them.
Some of the details
you'll see when you break the opponent's armor off are Mitsurugi's
lower body showing the loincloth and Sophitia's hair style changing
after you break her hair ornament.
Guard Impacts can be
used in Soul Calibur 6 without consuming any meter gauge.
They want to prepare
a "Tutorial Mode" for the game.
The Character
Creation feature is something appealing that they can't take away from
Soul Calibur series. They can't say much about it right now but please
look out for it.
The Famitsu editor
was surprised to find out how much external developer help the game
was receiving.
Soul Calibur 6's
development is currently at 70%.
Stay tuned on FightersGeneration.com for full coverage of Soul
Calibur 6.
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game items for sale on FightersGeneration.com!
AUG 7th, 2017!
