The fleshed out, "exaggerated" and vibrant art style that made Capcom's influential Street Fighter series stand out in the mid-90's has had an undeniable
impact on the gaming genre over the past 3 decades... inspiring fighting
game fans, aspiring 2D artists, and countless game developers alike. In April 2017, Capcom Art Director Toshiyuki Kamei shared some "top secret" pages from the mysterious and heavily-rumored-about Capcom anatomy reference guide (actually a godsend to to all 2D/3D artists). The guide was edited by legendary Capcom artist, Akura "Akiman"
Yasuda and was originally compiled during the mid-90's - yeah, during the heyday of some of the most artistically
beloved 2D fighters of them all. 
This guide was a staple reference used for teaching upcoming Capcom artists the ways of Capcom-style anatomy. A few key pages from the guide are now publicly available (and right here on TFG for your artistic inspiration / convenience). Below are 10 high-quality scans of pages straight from Capcom's legendary anatomy
guide. *The captions are written in Japanese (and not translated here), but these references are still a
priceless tool for any aspiring artist, especially those who would like to learn how to properly illustrate a "Capcom
style" muscular male figure.