Angel is an agent of a secret organization known as NESTS. She
is assigned to keep an eye on K9999,
whose purpose is to hunt down traitorous experiments that had left NESTS. They
set off to find K' and other traitors of the
organization. Near the end of the KOF 2001 tournament, it is revealed
that both Angel and K9999 are on a mission to kill Kula
and her guardians.
Some of her moves and mannerisms pay homage to entertainer
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Most notably, her "Winds
Fairground", "Blue Monday Parade" and "Survivor's
Banquet" mimic his "Laying the Smacketh Down", "Rock
Bottom" and "People's Elbow" respectively. Her name is properly
pronounced as "Ahn-hehl" as per the Spanish pronunciation of the
