Hanzo Hattori is a
legendary ninja and the leader of the Iga
ninja clan. He has two sons, Kanzo
and Shinzo, one of which has been possessed by Amakusa.
When it comes to the skills in Taijutsu, it is said his skills are un-matched.
Although he never shows much emotion, he cares for his family very deeply.
When Amakusa took over the body of his son Shinzo, he set out to rescue
his son. Although Amakusa was defeated at the hands of Haohmaru,
Hanzo was not able to retake his son Shinzo. The following year, Amakusa's
castle appeared again and he was ordered to destroy the castle to restore
peace. There, he found the body of his soulless son. Although he was able
to retrieve Shinzo's body, his soul was still lost in Makai. In order to
free Shinzo's soul, he leaves his village to find and defeat the source
of the evil. After Mizuki was defeated by Haohmaru, Shinzo's soul came
back to its body. But because Shinzo's soul was weakened, his mother Kaede
gave away her life to save him. Hanzo was good friends with Zankuro
before he became a demon.
Hanzo is based
on a real historical figure, Hattori Hanzo Masashige, the leader of the Iga ninja clan of Japan. Fellow SNK character, Hanzou,
is also based off of the same person. The name "Hattori Hanzo" also appeared in
the 1980 movie Shadow Warriors, Makai Tensei, and 2003's Kill Bill.

Shodown 2, Samurai Shodown 3, Samurai
Shodown 4, Samurai Shodown 5, Samurai
Shodown 5 Special, Samurai Shodown 6, Samurai Shodown: Warrior's
Rage, Samurai Shodown:
Pocket, Samurai Shodown
2: Pocket, Samurai Shodown 64,
Shodown 64: Warriors Rage, Samurai Shodown
Sen, Samurai Shodown (2019), Card Fighters Clash,
Fighters Clash 2, Card
Fighters Clash DS, King
of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2, King
of Fighters: Maximum Impact Regulation A
