Kagami is one of the four guardians of "Hell's Gate", a portal that
allows demons and evil energy to seep through to the mortal plane humans call
Earth. He represents
Suzaku, the Red Phoenix. Kagami he has grown angry at the foolishness and weakness of
the humans he protects, and desires instead to open to Gates of Hell and
begin a new world order.. beginning with the destruction of humankind and
his domination over all, of course. Upon his decision,
he goes on a horrific killing spree, murdering various warriors. One of these
warriors is Gaisei, the well-respected teacher of Kaede,
Moriya, and Yuki.
After five years of
preparatory action to unseal the gate, including imprisoning his fellow
guardian, Shigen,
Shinnosuke is eventually found by Kaede, who has the latent power of the
Seiryu. Kaede defeats him; humiliated by his defeat, Shinnosuke is thrown into
the depths of Hell’s Gate as eternal punishment. However, he is soon
reincarnated in a new form to fulfill his role as a guardian, as the portal is
being opened by another force. Shinnosuke sets out to fulfill his destiny, and
to seek atonement.
