In 1994, Kyo was a cocky
high school student and the heir of the Kusanagi clan. Kyo could wield flames
naturally at the age of 15, and soon surpassed his father Saisyu's
fighting abilities. Destined to fight the Orochi, he
became the clans leader. He eventually met a girl named Yuki,
who became his girlfriend.
Shortly after the completion of his training, Kyo competed in a preliminary
tournament in Japan to determine the members of the country's representative
team in the KOF tournament. He defeated Goro
Daimon and Benimaru
Nikaido to become the leader of the Japan Team. Afterwards, the three became
teammates and good friends, and won the first three KOF tournaments together.
Before the KOF '97
tournament, Kyo was pestered by fellow high school student, Shingo
Yabuki. Shingo begged Kyo to teach him how to create flames. Though annoyed
by Shingo's persistence, Kyo partially agreed to mentor him as a means of
gaining free meals. In
the KOF '97 tournament, he ended up joining with his
Iori Yagami and Chizuru
to fight Orochi as destined.
In 1999, Kyo was attacked and taken by the NESTS syndicate. NESTS used his DNA to create various
"clones" of Kyo. K' was also infused with Kyo's
DNA at this time. He awoke one day and managed break out of captivity.
He forcibly questioned a few of his captors and tried to investigate what
happened to him, but wasn't able to learn much. In The King of Fighters 2001,
Kyo reunites with his old teammates, along with Shingo, to once again form the
Japan Team.
In KOF 2003, Chizuru
appeared in front of Kyo and Iori, requesting that they investigate the Orochi's
recent suspicious activities. At first, Kyo was reluctant to ally with Iori, but
he eventually agreed and they formed the Sacred Treasures team. After defeating Mukai,
the team investigated the weakening Orochi seal that they had been transported
to. They were then ambushed by Ash
Crimson, who stole the power of the Yata no kagami or Yata mirror from
Chizuru, and threatened to go after Iori next. Ash managed to escape and Kyo
swore vengeance.
In The King of
Fighters XI, Kyo, Iori, and Shingo teamed up to try and stop Ash. However,
the growing presence of the Orochi (from Magaki)
caused Iori to lose his mind and enter the Blood Riot state. Iori attacked Kyo
and Shingo in a berserk fit. Ash appeared soon after, and stole the Yasakani no
Magatama within Iori's body (and Iori's flames). Kyo was hospitalized after
Iori's attacks, and stubbornly leaves the hospital before fully recovering. He
met up with Goro and Benimaru to form the Japan Team once again.

King of Fighters
'95, King of Fighters '96,
of Fighters '97,
King of Fighters '98,
of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match,
of Fighters '99,
King of Fighters 2000,
of Fighters 2001,
King of Fighters
2002, King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match,
of Fighters 2003,
King of Fighters XI,
of Fighters XII, King of Fighters XIII,
King of Fighters XIV,
King of Fighters XV, King of Fighters Neowave,
King of Fighters R1, King
of Fighters R2, King of Fighters EX, King
of Fighters EX 2, SNK Vs Capcom:
of the Millennium,
Card Fighters
Clash, Card Fighters Clash
2, Card Fighters Clash
DS, King of Fighters: Maximum
Impact, King of Fighters:
Maximum Impact MANIAX, King
of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2, KOF:
Maximum Impact Regulation A, Capcom VS
Capcom VS SNK: Pro, Capcom
VS SNK 2, SNK VS Capcom
Chaos, Neo Geo Battle
Coliseum, King of Fighters 94: Re-bout
