Kain is the brother of
Marie Heinlein, Rock Howard's
mother and Geese
late wife.
Unlike his sister, Kain lived in poverty as a child, growing up in the slums. Grant,
known then as Abel Cameron, was a fatherly figure to Kain and watched over
him. Nineteen years before the events of Garou: Mark of the Wolves,
Kain witnessed the violent death of a child in the streets. After being
scarred by what he saw, he decided that he had enough of the slums and
declared his ambitions for power. When he was only eight years old, he entered
a street fight and his strength was recognized by a wealthy kingpin name Don
Papas. Adopted into the family thereafter, Kain eventually overthrew his
benefactor and became the head honcho of the gang.
He later learned of the death of his sister, and the death of Geese Howard by
the hands of Terry Bogard. After this
event, Southtown became Second Southtown. Kain deemed the general populace
jaded by mediocrity and peace. Thinking that a person truly experiences life
when they're oppressed, Kain decided to take Geese's legacy and rule Second Southtown. He wanted to declare the city's independence from the US, make it a
city-state, and then model the town into one that would constantly be exposed
to violence which would make the inhabitants value their lives, with the
strongest ruling over the weak.
Kain wanted Rock
Howard to join his organization, so he created the "King of Fighters:
Maximum Mayhem" tournament in an effort to attract Rock and Terry. His
fate after the tournament is unclear, but it is believed by some that Rock
Howard joined him for a period of time. In his Garou ending, he tracks
down the remaining crime bosses of Second Southtown and confronts them with
