Lin is a ninja of the
Hizoku clan, a people living in China. There specialty is turning their
blood into poison... but this is can also be dangerous for the ninja himself.
He just recently learned how to do it himself. He is hunted by his rival
Long. He was recruited into Benimaru's
and Shingo's team in 2000, but
didn't fit in very well. Next year he was with K',
and Whip, and also didn't get along
with them. He was recently voted out of '02, so he might not return unless
Playmore wants to explore his past.
Lin was a good friend
with another clansman named Ron. He was in charge of training the nine princes
of Xi Du, the sons of Ron. He even trained Ron's daughter, Xiao
Lon. He eventually was appointed the Deva of his division. When Ron betrayed
and murdered many of the Hizoku, Lin joined forces with the three of the Four
Devas, Luan, Chat and Sai. He was enticed by the agent Seth
to enter the King of Fighters tournament in order to find their clan's missing
After learning that Ron had defected to NESTS, he tracks the activities of
NESTS's renegades, K' and company, in hopes of
finding his leader. He continues to search for Ron even after NESTS's
destruction, presumably meaning to execute him. For an unexplained reason, he
appears next to Ron in the Psycho Soldier Team's ending in The King of
Fighters XI.
