Seth was ordered by
his superior Ling to enter the King of Fighters tournament to capture the
Flying Brigands leader, Ron. To do this, he arranges to team with Benimaru,
and Lin. During the
tournament, he learns that Ling is really Zero
in disguise and that Ron had joined with NESTS. He continues to investigate
Ron's activities as the series progresses, presumably to prevent him from
becoming too powerful. He was also asked to attend Heidern's
conference with the Agent Team in The King of Fighters XI.
In the Maximum Impact
series, he is often blamed for causing Fate's death. Seth gave him information
about Duke, which
eventually motivated him to stand against the crime lord. In Alba
and Soiree's eyes, the agent
gave Fate false information and set him up for his death. Although they learn
the truth behind their father's death later, the Meira brothers often target
Seth as an act of vengeance.
