Ran is editor
in chief of Taiyo High's newspaper. Although she's still a freshman, Ran has
already earned a reputation in Taiyo High as the resident "Scoop
Girl", due to the fact that she is always on the hunt for the latest
gossip, juicy story, or anything that sparks her interest. She is a spirited
girl, almost as hot-blooded as upperclassman Batsu
Ichimonji and her gym teacher Hayato
Nekketsu. She has a strong desire to succeed, and always goes for the
In Rival
Schools: Nekketsu Seishun Nikki 2, she
investigates the kidnappings and disappearances, seeking to scoop an exclusive
news story. In truth, she decided to embark on this mission for a personal
agenda: to win a very influential prize, Taiyo High's First Prize Scoop.
In Project Justice, she works with the Chairperson
and students from Pacific High School to find the ones responsible for
creating havoc between the schools.
