SNK Vs. Capcom: Card Fighters' Clash
Inspired from Pokemon titles of the
era, Card Fighters'
is a "collect-em all" style card game made by SNK in 1999
exclusively for the Neo Geo Pocket. The game features hundreds of Capcom
and SNK characters as cards (over 300 in all) from an historic variety of franchises.
Originally, there were two versions of the
game made — a "Capcom" version and an "SNK" version. Both versions
offer an identical gameplay experience, however, each version has different
selectable heroes, a different background color, and several exclusive (hard-to-find)
cards which are unique to each version.

Fighters Clash is
a much deeper game than it initially lets on!
The object of the game is to challenge other card players as your hero explores
a variety of landmarks based on Capcom & SNK buildings and franchises.
Upon winning battles, you collect new cards to strengthen your deck. You can enter shops to buy new
cards, or
gain new cards by defeating other card fighters. Most cards have unique
abilities, and it's up to the player to strategize and decide which cards to
place in their deck. There two types of cards: Character cards and Action
cards. Both important to building a strong deck.
Players can create
and save up to 3 custom decks. This actually comes in handy, since there are a
huge variety of
angles and strategies available in the game. Success against CPU and human
opponents is all based on which cards you use, and
more specifically how you set up your deck of 50 cards, balanced
with both Character and Action cards. The cards are drawn at
random during each card battle, so there's also a little bit of chance involved.
However, Card Fighters is actually more strategic
than the likes of Poker, Blackjack, or nearly any popular casino/card game you could think
of. Playing against an equally skilled human opponent is incredibly fun
experience once you learn the ropes!
Be sure not to kurf
If you've
never played Card Fighters, here's a quick crash course... In your deck of 50
cards, you want to balance out Character cards and Action cards.
Character cards give the player a specific amount of "SP" when they're placed on
the board, and SP is needed to use Action cards. More powerful Action cards
require more SP. "Disabling" character cards like Yashiro or Akuma can
eliminate your opponent's characters on the board, and are considered strong.
However, Character cards are balanced by how much SP they provide. For example,
Akuma gives the player zero SP, but he K.O.'s (completely eliminates) the
opponent's card. However, Yashiro knocks the players card back into the
opponent's deck, but does provide a small amount of SP.
Players are allowed up to 3 of the same Character card. Action cards
provide unique abilities and other strategies which can be enhanced by Character
cards, some which also have their own effects and abilities when placed on the
board. While Action cards are fun to use and very effective, keeping too many
Action cards in your deck may cause you to run out of Character cards to put on
the board, which can result in defeat. Likewise, if you have too many Character
cards in your deck, your playstyle may end up being too stiff... so it's smart
to have a good balance of both.
FACT: Card Fighter "Kana" is based on a
real-life Chun-Li cosplayer from Japan! Kana has a Twitter account (@Kana_09_07) and
she even follows
Life works in mysterious ways... ^__^
Some Character cards are strong
because they have high HP (such as Geese with 1500 HP). However, other Character
cards are actually more powerful because they bring unique "abilities" that mix up the game.
"Triangle" based cards have abilities
which active as soon as the card is placed down on the board. "Circle"
based cards have a constant effect once placed down, and "Square" based cards'
abilities can be activated by the player the next turn after the card was placed
down. High HP Character cards are still strong, because they can be used to
"Defend" a player's overall HP — and more importantly
"Unite" attack do inflict massive damage on the opponent (and K.O.
their Character cards). The game either ends when a player
loses all their HP or they run out of cards.
On that note,
certain Action and Character cards are designed to make the opponent
"Discard" their cards... which can result in them running out of cards
and losing the game (a different attack strategy than simply running down their
HP). With so different ways to win a card battle,
it requires some study and trial and error to fully grasp and master the
complexity of Card Fighters Clash. In fact, since the in-game translation of some of the character abilities are so
bad, you actually have to try them out in the game and experiment to see what
they do (unless you use an online guide)!
However, discovering the strengths and weaknesses of each Character and Action
card is part of the initial fun.
Arcade is a cool place to hang out!
Endless mind
games and strategies to implement into your deck.
Like a fighting game, the best
part of Card Fighters Clash is undoubtedly competition against other
human players. However, the single-player experience is
actually pretty enjoyable, as well. There are memorable locations, soundtracks, and charmingly
funny characters you'll run into and talk to. The game does a fairly good job at
introducing "beginner" cards early on — effectively teaching new
players the basic flow of the game. On the downside, the vast majority of cards
you'll collect in the early part of the game (potentially spanning 10-20 hours)
are basically useless in high level play. Indeed, most of the cards you'll
collect in the early part of the game "trash" at high level. Sadly,
many "cool" characters have unfortunately weak cards — some with no
abilities at all. One of my only other complains is that the computer AI during card battles is usually very easy to
defeat, even with an "average" deck. Once again, the
2-player experience (with both players using high-level decks and cards) is where it's at. When you and a friend know how to play,
and have a variety of styles and decks each, you might find yourself playing
this game for many years!
While the overall meta (at the highest competitive level) is surprisingly balanced in Card Fighters Clash... there is actually one "infinite"
that exists, and is definitely game-breaking. However, it's considerably
difficult to do and requires some risk from the player as well. In short, the
exploit / infinite uses the Kyosuke card (and several Action cards that I won't
name), forcing the opponent to "discard" all cards in their deck, with
each sequential turn, and giving them no other options besides losing.
However, if you do know about the infinite, you and your friends can ban the
move from competition.
Besides that one major gameplay flaw, Card Fighters Clash is very fun,
rewarding, challenging, and offers some of the deepest strategic gameplay I've ever experienced in a card game. On the same
token, it's definitely not overcomplicated like some other card battle games out
Ready for the tournament scene?
The charming in-game graphics
are done very well, considering the technology available at the time. The catchy
"chibi" art
style truly defines the visuals of Card Fighters. Capcom & SNK character cards
ooze with personality thanks to the cool illustrations by Falcoon, and all your favorite Capcom & SNK icons are
immediately recognizable... even with their super-deformed, and eerily large
Also, to see so many characters
in one game makes for countless amount of fan service for us Capcom & SNK
enthusiasts (especially for back in 1999). When
the cards "clash" during attacks, the character-specific hit effects & sound effects enhance the
action... effectively adding in that "ouch" factor we know and love in fighting games (well, you have to use
your imagination a little bit). lol.
human characters within the Card Fighters world are made up of maybe 15-20 pixels
at the most, but any old school gamer from the 8-bit or 16-bit days will find a certain charm and personality
to love about the character sprites. There's a ton of hilarious dialogue to scroll through, and
"random" characters scattered throughout the map to interact with. Also worth
mentioning, the poor translation and "Japang-lish" misspellings of random words makes the
dialogue all
the more entertaining!
If you like RPGs or Pokemon-style card games and you're a fighting game buff... you
simply can't miss out on Card Fighters Clash.
Page Updated: |
12th, 2024
Developer(s): |
Publisher(s): |
Platform(s): |
Pocket, Nintendo Switch
By): |
Release Date(s): |
Oct. 21st, 1999
Nov. 30th, 1999
Jan. 12th, 2022
Switch |
Characters: |
Mask (+
many more from the games listed below.) |
Related Links: |
2022): Card Fighters Clash Gets Surprise Release on Nintendo Switch |
Video: |
Related Games: |
Vs. Capcom: Card
Fighters Clash 2, SNK Vs. Capcom:
Card Fighters
Clash DS, SNK Vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium, Capcom
Vs. SNK, Capcom Vs. SNK: Pro, Capcom
Vs. SNK 2,
SNK Vs. Capcom: Chaos, Namco
x Capcom,
Marvel Vs. Capcom,
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, SNK Gals Fighters,
Pocket Fighter, Darkstalkers,
Star Gladiator,
Rival Schools,
Fatal Fury,
Art of Fighting,
Kizuna Encounter, The King of Fighters '99,
Samurai Shodown,
Samurai Shodown 2,
Samurai Shodown 64,
The Last Blade 2, The
Last Blade: Beyond The Destiny, Garou: Mark of the Wolves,
Buriki One
9.5 / 10
/ Theme
9.5 / 10
8.5 / 10
7.0 / 10
/ Sound Effects
8.0 / 10
9.5 / 10
Art Direction
10 / 10
6.0 / 10
Options / Extras
8.0 / 10
Intro / Presentation
8.5 / 10
Replayability / Fun
10 / 10
"Ouch" Factor
7.0 / 10
10 / 10
9.5 /
Words: |
"But Frank... Card Fighters
isn't even a fighting game. Why does it have a TFG profile?!"
..... I thought you'd never ask. Card Fighters Clash is
"TFG-worthy" simply due to its
countless fighting game references, character cameos, unforgettable
artwork, and because it's a very underrated game that more people
should know about (and play). Ohh yeah... it's also the first ever "SNK
Vs. Capcom" crossover game ever made. So there's that.
While the game is not for everybody, I'd recommend Card Fighters to
anyone who is a fan of Capcom or SNK characters, and to any fan of card games in
general. Don't let the cutesy appearance fool you... there's an
"adult" and very challenging card game present here, best experienced
with friends. After playing this game on and off for over 2 decades with
friends, it's STILL FUN... and a "one-of-a-kind" gameplay experience
that I always love coming back to. To truly understand how good of a game it is,
you have to play the game with another human opponent who is also confident
in their deck(s) and skills.
SNK truly packed a ton of heart and fan service into Card Fighters Clash
from every angle. Not only are there 300 cards to collect, there are countless
fighting game references and a festive "vibe" that defines the game.
It really comes down to this... do you have friends that own a Neo Geo Pocket or
Nintendo Switch? If you love this game as much as me, get your friends to learn
it and play it with you (and they'll thank you later). In addition to SNK
Vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium... Card Fighters Clash
was easily one of the best games to come out for the Neo Geo Pocket and reason
enough to own the system. The "clicky" D-pad on the NGPC makes the
game even more fun to play.
I've had literally 1000's of epic, down-to-the-wire matches in Card
Fighters Clash with my good friends over the years. Like in my favorite
fighting games, the match-ups can turn out so very differently, with so many
twists and turns as they progress. We all have a variety of decks as well, which
mixes up the game every time. If you ask me, Card Fighters Clash is a
game that never gets old. Card
Fighters Clash is a timeless tribute to so many Capcom and SNK fighting
games... and one of the defining games on Neo Geo Pocket Color. Everyone should
try it out and experience it (even if you don't manage to collect all
300 cards).
Webmaster | @Fighters_Gen