Rogue has a past
that is shrouded in mystery. Her mutant ability to absorb other people's
powers and villainous memories first manifested itself when she was a teenager. Raised by her Aunt
Carrie after tragedy befell her parents, young Anna Marie ran away from home and
was taken in by Mystique and Destiny, whom Rogue came to regard as her surrogate
parents. Rogue's mutant power first manifested in her early teens when she
kissed Cody Robbins. Her mind filled with his memories, and he fell into a
permanent coma. Eventually realizing she could never safely live among normal
people, Rogue began participating in her foster mother's criminal endeavors and
came to join Mystique's terrorist Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. On her first
mission, the inexperienced Rogue clashed with Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) and
permanently absorbed the hero's memories and powers, including super-strength
and flight.
Distraught over her lack
of control, Rogue turned to her enemies, the X-Men. Convinced of her sincerity,
Professor Xavier accepted her onto the team; however, it wasn't until Rogue
risked her own life to save Wolverine's
fiancee Mariko Yashida that she began to gain her teammates' trust.
Rogue and teammate Gambit
fell in love despite her inability to safely touch him. Eventually, he and Rogue
formed a splinter group with four other X-Men to search for Destiny's diaries,
which predicted the future of mutant kind. During their quest, Rogue and Gambit
were rendered powerless, and the pair seized the opportunity to pursue living a
normal life together in the mutant-friendly community of Valle Soleada in
California. Soon after, they came to the X-Men's aid against the mutant predator
Elias Bogan and subsequently rejoined the team. Regaining her power of
absorption thanks to the jumpstarting ability of her teammate Sage, Rogue set
out on a personal quest to rediscover her past.
