Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes

unprecedented evil bears down upon the Earth! Our heroes face their most
powerful opponent yet... Onslaught! Total annihilation slowly approaches the
human race... All hopes and dreams have been crushed into powder... Great
heroes! Now is the time to take to the skies! We need you now more than ever!
third installment to the Marvel VS Series pits some of Capcom's most
famed heroes against a selection of Marvel icons for yet another ride in the 2D
tag-team realm.
The Capcom character roster has noticeably decreased in size from recent prequels, but isn't only made up
of Street Fighter characters this time around. Heroes from several classic
Capcom titles make their epic fighting game debuts, including: Megaman, Strider
Hiryu, Jin Saotome, and Captain
Commando. The Marvel side shows off mostly returning fighters, with the
exception of Venom & War Machine (who is mostly a sprite edit). Unlike
Marvel Super Heroes Vs.
Street Fighter, this sequel still manages to feel like
a completely new entity - presenting 100% new hand-drawn backgrounds,
BGMs, and innovative gameplay
MVC's intro & presentation brings the hype!
In addition to selecting a team of 2 characters, players now
choose third "assist" character picked at random by default (or easily
selectable by inputting a quick code before the match starts). Marvel VS Capcom
features over 20 assist characters - some from past VS Series
installments, others completely new to MVC. Capcom stepped out of the
realm of Street Fighter with their assist choices as well, bringing in more
obscure Capcom characters such as: Lou from Three Wonders, Ton-Pooh from Strider,
Devilot from Cyberbots, as well as some more iconic characters like Arthur from Ghosts
& Goblins.
A small roster...
but assist characters & combos for days!
The Marvel side of the assist selection is made up of mostly returning characters,
including: Cyclops, Iceman, Rogue, Magneto, and Juggernaut. Additionally, icons like Thor & Jubilee make their fighting game
debuts (hey, it counts)!
For the record, Capcom even went the extra mile for Marvel fans and got Alyson Court (Jubilee's
original voice actor from the 1990's X-Men cartoon) to do Jubilee's
voice (all 2 words of it). 
Alyson Court also did Claire Redfield's voice in Resident
Evil 2 (released the same year as the first Marvel Vs. Capcom).
Like in Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter, assist characters can be called
out at any time during gameplay (and are imperative to maxing out your team's
combo potential). However, there is a limit to how many times a given assist
character can be called out (specific to each character). While MVC's assist system
can be a lot of fun in casual play, there are some pretty obvious flaws in high level gameplay. Simply put, certain assists
are far superior than others (ex: Psylocke & Colossus are among the
strongest). This causes high level gameplay to end up being pretty repetitive at
The popular
tag-team gameplay that put Capcom's VS Series on the map seems more
refined than ever in MVC... but brings along some
very welcomed enhancements. New to
the system is the "Duo Team Attack," where both fighters can come into
the battle at once, launching UNLIMITED super moves for a brief period
of time (determined by the level of the super gauge).
Indeed, it can get pretty insane trying to defend if your opponent knows what
they're doing with those supers!
Jubilee's assist...
complete with her original voice actor!
The addition of Duo Team
Attacks allow for some crazy-intense gameplay situations, and are just damn fun
to experiment with. However, there are some cheap "chip
damage" tactics that can be used which do slightly deteriorate the game in high
level play (once again). To be more specific: Certain super moves take off HUGE
amounts of chip damage. For instance, there's not much you can do against Strider Hiryu & War
Machine when they launch their Duo Team Attack and continuously spam super
moves... the end result is
about "half
life gone" even though you're
Finally, Marvel Vs. Capcom
also contains quite a few secrets, including hidden playable characters and assist
characters. With the use of a code, players can play as alternate
versions of existing characters, including: Gold War Machine, Orange Hulk, Red
Venom, Lilith, and Shadow Lady. While all of these can be dubbed as "sprite
clones," these variant fighters offer unique play-styles and strategies. The
only exception is Roll Caskett from the Megaman series, whom is a 100% new character (complete with a hilariously cool BGM of her
own). Furthermore, secret assist characters like Sentinel & Shadow
(Charlie) add even more options for potential team-ups.
Page Updated: |
21st, 2024
Developer(s): |
Capcom |
Publisher(s): |
Capcom / Virgin Interactive |
by: |
Akiman, Bengus, Shoei, Sakumizu, Kinu Nishimura |
Platform(s): |
Dreamcast, PlayStation
Release Date(s): |
Jan. 12th, 1998 Arcade
Jan. 23rd, 1998 Arcade
Mar. 25th, 1999
Sept. 30th, 1999 Dreamcast
Nov. 11th, 1999
Jan. 31st, 2000
Sept. 25th, 2012
PSN - in MVC: Origins
Sept. 26th, 2012 XBLA - in MVC: Origins |
Characters: |
Commando, Mega Man, Strider
Hiryu, Spider-Man,
Captain America,
Gambit, War
Machine, Wolverine, Roll,
Assist Characters: |
Saki, Thor,
Devilot, Anita,
Magneto, Cyclops,
Psylocke, Iceman,
Colossus, Juggernaut,
Rogue, Storm,
Shadow, Sentinel,
Jubilee, Lou, Ton Pooh, Michelle Heart, Unknown Soldier, Pure & Fur, U.S.
Agent |
Featured Video:
Related Games: |
Vs. Capcom Fighting Collection, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2,
Vs. Capcom: Origins, Marvel
Vs. Capcom 3, Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, Marvel
Vs. Capcom: Infinite, X-Men: Children of the
Atom, Marvel Super Heroes, X-Men
Vs. Street Fighter, Marvel Super Heroes Vs.
Street Fighter, Tatsunoko
VS Capcom, Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom:
Ultimate All Stars,
Vampire Chronicle For Matching Service |
8.5 / 10
/ Theme
9.0 / 10
9.0 / 10
9.0 / 10
/ Sound Effects
8.5 / 10
9.5 / 10
Art Direction
10 / 10
6.0 / 10
Options / Extras
8.5 / 10
Intro / Presentation
9.0 / 10
Replayability / Fun
9.5 / 10
"Ouch" Factor
9.0 / 10
8.5 / 10
Review based on Arcade
Words: |
At the time of its debut, Marvel VS Capcom was THE ultimate crossover
game. No other fighting game came close in the realm of frantic, high-speed gameplay and flashiness. The incredible pace of the game and insane combos quickly separated the pros from the
novices, as a practiced player can take out a casual in a matter of seconds!!!
(Bet ya never lost 50 cents so fast!) 
While many fans could easily dwell on the sad fact that many classic characters from the prequels went M.I.A. in this installment, MVC's roster did feature some excellent and
fun-to-use characters...
soon to become "fan-favorite" fighting game characters by the time
they reappeared in MVC2. Newcomers like Strider Hiryu, Jin Saotome, Captain Commando, Venom, and Mega Man would soon become fan-favorites and legends in the fighting game universe!
Aesthetically, Capcom didn't slack in MVC1's presentation. In addition to the packed-in
nostalgia value and subtle fan services hidden throughout the game, incredible details like
remixed character BGMs, beautiful / charismatic stages, and the plethora of new character artwork really gave MVC
a unique personality of its own. In retrospect, even MVC2's "overall
presentation" didn't quite live up to the original MVC.
Even with its shortcomings and balance issues, MVC1 is arguably still a more balanced game than MVC2, even with the cheap chip-damage tactics
(which can be
beat)! What I love about
MVC1 is that pretty much every character in the game can hold their own (with the right team and assist).
I love me some MVC2, but I'll go back for some classic MVC1
matches any day of the week. MVC1 is still one of my all time favorite fighting games, for sure!
Webmaster | @Fighters_Gen