Phoenix Wright is the
main protagonist of Capcom's Ace Attorney series. Wright first decided
to become a defense attorney in his school days when he was falsely accused of
stealing his classmate Miles Edgeworth's lunch money, and the class held a
mock trial. In that moment when he felt alone, he decided that he wanted to
become a defense attorney so that he could help people like himself who at
that time had nobody to defend or believe them.
In his childhood, he
made friends with Larry Butz and Miles Edgeworth. At the start of the series,
he has recently acquired his attorney badge. While studying to become a
defense lawyer, he was defended by Mia Fey and subsequently worked at her Fey
and Co. Law Office. Wright took over the office and renamed it the Wright
and Co. Law Office, with Maya Fey (Mia's younger sister) as his assistant,
after Mia was murdered in the second case in Phoenix Wright: Ace
Attorney. The fourth Ace Attorney game, Apollo Justice, is
set seven years after a case where Wright is incriminated for accidentally
falsifying evidence due to a miscommunication and loses his defense attorney's

Page Updated: Jan. 20th, 2021
I've never played
any of the Phoenix Wright games, but I'm familiar with it. Visually,
he's not exactly what I'd call "exciting," but his "Mishima-style" hair always intrigued me... lol. Other than that, his
outfit is definitely generic. His Ultimate MVC3 fighting style is pretty
hilarious, and deeper than I expected. He reminds me a lot of Norimaru
from MSH VS SF.
While he's meant to be a joke character and everything...
he definitely looks awkward during gameplay at certain times. His typical combo features him crawling
around on the ground quite a lot... and sneezing.... Once the joke is up, it
kinda gets old. I'm glad he
appeared in UMVC3, but I think they could've done just a little better
with his fighting style overall. On a side note, Phoenix
Wright and Captain Commando share a striking resemblance (same hairstyle and they both can be
seen doing the epic "objection" pose).
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |

