supreme hero of the Capcom world, he is the peacekeeper of the Solar System
along with his three buddies (Baby Head, Mummy Commando, and Ninja Commando). In
the year 2026, the world is filled with crime. Captain Commando and his three
faithful Commando companions rise up to erase this crime from Planet Earth and
from all the Galaxy. But the futuristic criminals they have to fight are
endowed with a secret, hidden, evil power. Many of them are Super Criminals,
with abilities beyond that of ordinary mortals. The leader of all Super
Criminals is Scumocide (known as Genocide in Japan). Captain Commando first appeared in
the 1991 arcade game, titled Captain
Commando. His name is rumored to be based off of Capcom's name itself: CAPtain
Captain Commando's blue & yellow color scheme also mirror's Capcom's logo.


Updated: Sep. 20th, 2023
In the original MVC,
Capcom brought the iconic beat-em-up hero up
to speed, giving him a fun-to-use and highly entertaining moveset. Commando has some awesomely
hard-hitting special moves, cool friends who assist him, and quite the believable, charismatic superhero persona. No doubt his Japanese
voice actor added so much to his design, as well! His 2D sprite is excellently animated and never fails to look
awesome in motion. CapCom also has one of the best supermoves of ALL TIME. . . CAPTAIN SWWOOOOOORDO!!!! Too fun.
Thanks to his epic fighting game debut, his personality & design
was able to significantly evolve from his original (and some would say "quiet") debut
in 1991. He was also a force to be reckoned with in MVC2, and no
doubt contributed to the game's fun and awesomeness (as he's a great addition to any team). Why Capcom didn't include him in Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom... I have no
idea. :(( He would've been such a perfect fit in TVC.... or MVC3 for that matter. On a side note, CapCom and Phoenix
Wright share a striking resemblance (same hairstyle and they both can be
seen doing the epic "objection" pose).
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
