Vanilla Ice is named
after the rapper of the same name. He is Dio
Brando's most loyal henchman. He uses the Cream Stand, which is capable
of creating an invisible, spherical void by devouring itself and Vanilla,
much like an ouroboros. Vanilla can control the sphere, which is capable
of free flight. If any part of an object or being touches the sphere, that
part is irrevocably gone, sucked into the void, vaporized. Unfortunately
he is unable to see or hear anything inside the void, so he has to at least
partially come out to check the exterior.
He proves his loyalty
to Dio by cutting his own head off, so Dio would drink his blood. Dio repays
him by resurrecting him into a vampire using his own blood. In the game,
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure his name is changed to Iced; losing the pun of
Vanilla Ice Cream as well as to avoid a possible lawsuit from the rapper
of the same name.
