A wise and powerful
Jedi master in the Star Wars universe. Recognized as the most senior Jedi
Master in the order, of which he was Grand Master, Yoda possessed tremendous
potential and power in the Force. In his nine centuries,
he had trained almost every Jedi in the Galaxy, including Obi-Wan Kenobi,
Count Dooku, Ki-Adi Mundi, and Mace Windu. Perhaps the only Jedi of the
Old Republic not to have been directly taught by Yoda was Anakin Skywalker - which may have contributed to the young man's
fall to the dark side (when he became Darth
Yoda's most important student
was arguably Luke Skywalker, whom Yoda trained to become the future of
the Jedi. Having trained the first member of the New Jedi Order, Yoda served
as the conduit between the two orders, passing the flame he kept alive
for so long to the next generation.

Page Updated:
Nov. 4th, 2024
Sometimes it's
still hard for me to believe that Yoda actually appeared in Soul Calibur...
I never would've guessed that one. Anyhow, as I expected, Namco did a pretty
amazing job with Yoda's fighting style, moveset, and animations. Yoda's animations are true to his
epic movie
fight scenes and he has a cool, yet annoying-to-fight-against fighting style. lol.
So what do I think of Yoda in general? Well, for one, I always thought the way
he talks is kinda... silly. He's a cool character in Star Wars and
all, don't get me wrong, but the manner in which he speaks (placing verbs at the end
of a clause, and inverting the object and subject) either irritates me
and/or just makes me giggle... it never fails. So really, what is up
with Yoda's speech impediment? It just seems like he's trying a little
too hard to sound smart.
Plus it seems to take him longer to get his point across, speaking in
"Anastrophe". Haha... okay, enough picking on Yoda. He's got enough
problems as it is... being short and green.
Style / Moveset |
/ Charisma |
/ Appearance |
in series |
Score |
