Calibur IV

The fourth installment to the Soul
series features an all new graphics engine, improves on the Create-a-Character
Mode from SC3, and takes its highly acclaimed gameplay online for the
first time ever. As a fan and loyal player since the beginning, I can
honestly say that Soul Calibur 4 is the next-gen Soul
Calibur that many fans of the series have been waiting for (in my case since
the epic SC2, which I put countless hours into). Nearly everything
about the classic 3D gameplay engine has been refined and polished, and most
of the infamous changes this time around were for the better.
First of all,
let's talk about the new graphics because they simply must be
talked about. The first SC game in HD does not disappoint, and is surely one of the prettiest 3D
fighters to date. The character models and background detail really make
a statement. It brings back memories of the graphical statement that Soul
Calibur made when it launched with Sega Dreamcast in 1999. SC4's
graphics engine makes everything incredibly sharp and intricately detailed,
from the moody backgrounds to the shiny armor (which reflects the actual
backgrounds), down to the bare bone character models themselves, which
are indeed some of the most seamless character models
In fact, there's hardly a trace of any actual polygons anywhere. Darth Vader's helmet
and Ivy's ass, for example, are both amazingly round...
it's just scary! Skin and muscle detail has simply never been done quite so
well in a fighting game. Next-gen lighting/shadowing effects, background blurring effects, and
sparks on weapon clashes add an extra touch to the visuals and really put
the icing on the cake. Each of the new stages also highlight some sort of
graphical element, and all of which are brilliantly designed from
every angle.
IV character selection screen.
As a console-exclusive fighting game, Soul
Calibur 4 features the staple Story, Arcade, and Training modes. The new Tower
is also introduced, offering a a variety of single player challenges, pitting
the player against multiple enemies one after another, and is also the path to unlocking some of the
game's rarest goodies.
In Tower Mode, you're allowed
a partner at certain times and can tag them in during the battle. Instead of your current
character tagging out and running off screen (a la Tekken Tag Tournament),
your partner simply "takes the place" of
your current character in a "magical" flash of blue light...
uhh... teleportation if you
will. The tag system looks
a bit strange and doesn't make much sense, but it's actually kind of fun if you
give it a chance, and is the key to beating Tower Mode.
Story Mode is a surprisingly
five chapters long and really leaves much
to be desired. The character endings, done with the game's sharp real-time
graphics, are also on the short side and honestly fail to impress in most cases
(but at least they're there). In fairness, Story Mode does have a few cool
features such as
specialized dialogue between related characters which you won't hear
in other modes. Also, if you create a costume for one of the main characters and
use it in Story Mode, that character will be wearing the same costume during
their ending! The computer
AI also does a good job at representing the gameplay and making things as epic
as possible. For example, the first time I went through Siegfried's story, I was
quite impressed. Since I hadn't used Siegfried yet, I decided to
back up and just practice for a bit. That's when I noticed Siegfried's father just standing there,
waiting for me to attack. So I just kind of circled him and
practiced my stance transitions for about 2 minutes... it was epic.... Well, you
just had to be there.  The graphical
polish and detail that SC4 shows off is accompanied by possibly
best fighting animation ever seen in a video game, hands down. Namco's
fighting games are widely known for their fluid animation and accurate
depiction of authentic & unique fighting styles, and SC4
takes it a notch further. A handful of classic moves and hit effects have
been reworked, making them appear even more fluid and/or more brutal than
ever. Even classic stance and walking animations have been touched up. It actually takes a keen
eye to notice some of the smaller details of the animation that were tweaked
from the prequels.
4 combos... are stylish as hell.
Of course,
the deep characters of Soul Calibur are why many players love the series so much.
The diverse selection of fighting styles and personalities is what Soul
Calibur has always been about, and now with over 30 characters, the series
has seen its most diverse cast yet. The first new character to join
the roster is a female knight by the name of Hilde, who fights with both a short sword and a
spear. Like in the home versions of SC2, Namco has widened their roster yet again by bringing in some recognizable
guest characters into their franchise. With Namco obtaining the rights
to LucasArts, Darth Vader
and Yoda have crossed over to the series! Darth Vader
is a slow, yet powerful opponent... seeing him in action is always epic,
and his accurate (badass) depiction in SC4 is just brilliant. On the
flipside, Yoda has some cool
moves for a small green fellow, and is annoyingly immune to throws and certain high
attacks (but easily beaten if you know his weaknesses). The Apprentice from The Force: Unleashed also appears as an unlockable bonus
character and shows off a unique light saber based fighting style. Along with the
bonus Star Wars characters, several other new faces designed by guest manga
artists also make their fighting game debuts in SC4 including:
Scheherazade (designed by anime illustrator Yutaka Izubuchi known for his work
on Patlabor,
RahXephon), Angol Fia (designed by Mine Yoshizak), and Shura (designed by Hiroya Oku of
Gantz fame). These bonus manga-inspired
characters unfortunately don't offer their own unique fighting styles, but
instead "borrow" fighting styles of some of the classic
Soul Calibur veterans.
While it's somewhat disappointing that they don't bring any "new" styles
to the series, they are at least entertaining "alternatives" to use for several
fan favorite weapon styles. These bonus characters
(all female) at least have their own voice-overs and unique introduction
but overall they leave something to be desired.
Along with
tweaking classic gameplay elements like Guard Impacting, the wall game,
and Ring Outs, Namco added several brand new elements that assist SC4 in
feeling like a
completely new game and not a rehash. Critical Finishing Moves make their debut
and can be used to KO your opponent
if they're blocking too much (AKA turtling). Critical Finishes promote more aggressive gameplay and
using Guard Impacts, and are quite cool to use against players (or the computer AI) who
blatantly overuse
that block button.
From a gameplay standpoint, I think Critical Finishes suit the gameplay system
fairly well, but
several of them could've been done better visually.
Unfortunately, each character only has one Critical Finish, and some of them are
about as boring a finishing move from a 3D
Mortal Kombat game.
During most critical finishes, the background "fades out" and is followed by
an array of flashy lights before anything even happens... that said, I wish most of
the Critical Finishes didn't "take you out of the game" so
much. Some are well animated and bring the ouch factor, but others seem like
afterthoughts. On the flipside, it's pretty cool when you connect a Critical Finish on the
last round, because your character will strike a "special"
win pose... adding epic insult to injury!
Breaks are a huge part of the gameplay.
Armor Breaks are another new system in SC4. After being
hit by certain attacks, different parts of armor can be destroyed
(in either a high, mid, or low area). After an Armor Break occurs, the effected
character will take extra damage if the respective area is hit. This
new gameplay mechanic isn't only cool on paper, but it makes for a
unique & cool visual presentation. Helmets, masks, and various
pieces of armor will break, fly off, and even stay on the ground during
the fight, sometimes even getting kicked around. Clothing also gets ripped to
shreds, exposing the inner details of the awesome character models. Character
attire can become quite minimal, and player-created characters can
even be stripped down to their underwear...
it's pretty hilarious.
Soul Calibur's gameplay engine has always been at the top of
its class, but
the big changes from SC2 to SC3 left many hardcore fans disappointed
(myself included). Personally, it's hard to "let go" of how some
characters used to play, but after opening my mind a little... I definitely
found many characters in SC4 that I enjoy using. Overall, SC4's gameplay
is a considerable improvement over SC3's,
but is still a far shot from my beloved SC2.
The 8-Way Run and overall movement speed is as smooth as ever, but noticeably "slower"
than the first two installments. Characters
look larger and even "feel" heavier to move around; which makes
more sense considering this "style" of fighting, but takes some
getting used to. Many
characters have been toned down, some with "slowed down" moves and others missing alternate stances & cancels from past games.
That said, there is
a learning curve to mastering
any character in SC4 even if you've been a hardcore player
since day one.
Returning characters, of course, were given some interesting and generous updates to
their movelists. Unlike returning characters in other fighting game sequels,
the characters of Soul Calibur have become "subject to change" in
recent times. Namco seems to be aiming for "balance" and clearly wants
to make characters more accessible
to new players. Even though the characters don't play exactly
like they used to, there are a plethora of awesome new moves, combos, and strategies to be discovered and
mastered (and by the way, the
character movelists in the game don't show all of the moves in the game). 
Don't get
me wrong, a lot of characters still have a handful of their classic moves
and can be used similar to how they were used in past games, but
a lot sure has changed since SC1 & SC2 (No, I won't stop talking about SC2).
Overall, characters seem easier to pick up and also easier to fight against
due to the fact that there seem to be fewer moves and cancels than in previous
installments. In my opinion, the streamlined movelists actually seem to be a good thing
in the long run, especially when it comes to the subject of character balance
and competitive play.
character detail and animation!
One of the biggest flaws of Soul Calibur 4 is that it isn't packed with extras like some of the prequels
were. For one, Weapon Demonstrations and Character Profiles are missing all together!
Most of SC4's extras revolve around the Create-a-Character Mode, which is pretty much the best fighting game customization mode to date. Not only can you create your own character from
using a countless array of coloring options and various clothing & armor
layers; you can even edit the default Soul Calibur character's costumes
from the ground up... which I usually prefer doing over creating a character.
For each new color scheme or outfit that is made for a default character, an icon
is created which accurately depicts the customized outfit, along
the weapon you chose for that outfit... pretty cool if you ask me! I've been waiting for a fighting game to do something like that for quite
some time now. Thankfully, Namco is smart and didn't include any sort of
silly "create-a-movelist" feature in the game, which I believe would
defeat the purpose of getting good at the
game. Rightfully so, your created character can use any of the main character
styles featured in the game (minus the Star Wars characters), and I'm glad
that they left out those utterly ridiculous Create-a-Character fighting styles
from SC3.
SC4 also takes the series online for the first time ever! The online
modes are pretty basic and straight forward; you can either lay a ranked match
against a random opponent or a non-ranked match against any
of your online friends. There is also the option to fight with weapon/created
character effects on or off (serious players will prefer off of course).
One of the coolest things about SC4's online mode is the fact that you can take
your customized or edited character into battle.
It's always entertaining to see what other players have come up with.
Gameplay runs pretty smooth
online for the most part, although that impolite lag
still pops up occasionally, which in a game like Soul Calibur
can be pretty annoying to deal with. Thankfully, before you engage
in a match with another player you can view the quality of their connection. My advice is to never play against anyone with a 3
bar connection or less... if you ask me, SC4 is only "playable"
online with a 4 or
5 bar connection. Thus, the majority of matches I've played online have had little
to no lag (I got FIOS!).
Even with a little lag, I have no trouble with GIs or combos, so I'm happy with
Overall, the
online experience is decent, but of course I have a few gripes. First and foremost, there doesn't seem to be a
strict enough penalty (or any at all) for bailing out of a match early,
as I have encountered quite a few "sore losers" who purposely disconnected
while I was, well, destroying them... funny, because I noticed they're usually the ones that suck at the game the most.
Also, the ranking system overall
seems a bit flawed. It's relatively easy to get high up in rank
just by beating novice players to level up, granted you have some
sort of skill... and beating high ranks sometimes just doesn't pay out
like it should.
really went and put Star Wars in Soul Calibur! Why
As good as it is, SC4 has it's fair share of
quirks. Firstly, the
intro wasn't nearly as impressive as SC2's or SC3's. Some
might even say it sucked all together. I for one was disappointed that they used a mere
six characters in the intro. It really should have been longer and more
drawn out, especially considering that they used real-time graphics for the intro. Come on
Namco, too busy working on other "high profile" games to make a fleshed
out intro for your own series?
Next, clothing and armor sometimes "clips" through characters' body parts,
hair, and even faces from time to time, especially on created characters. It is a tough thing to eliminate from
a 3D fighting game completely, especially since in Soul Calibur there are
a plethora of "dynamic" animations; and on top of that comes the amazing character
detail that Namco's artists imagined. That said, it's a forgivable flaw. The good news is
that it's really only noticeable on the close ups of certain characters,
and mostly created ones at that. I also miss the pre-match taunts during the VS
screen... yeah, those one-liners and grunts were always silly and unnecessary, but now that they're
gone I actually kinda miss them. I also
miss the ability to wall jump from Soul Calibur 2... why haven't those been
put back in the game?!? They weren't cheap or anything, and they were fun
to do. Ohh, and what's up with "replays only for the last round?" And NO
replays online? 
On the flipside,
there are even more "little" details that I like about SC4. Firstly, I
love the new slow-mo/gray scale effect during the KO! I also thoroughly
enjoy the new "splash" sound (and visual effect)... when a character gets knocked
out of the ring into water, they hit the water hard.
There are a ton of other awesome new sound effects, all of which are intense
and satisfying. Some characters' intro taunts and win quotes still sound funny
& awkward at times, but others are actually quite badass.
The voice acting in both Japanese and English are decent and are possibly the best of the series. The soundtrack of the game, probably overlooked by
many, is also deeply inspiring and simply put, epic... gotta love those
Star Wars tracks! Namco also released the original Soul Calibur
soundtrack for
download, and any of the tracks can be set for SC4 stages of your choice!
No, I'm not
done promoting this game... did I tell you that I actually work for Namco?
Jk. Other positive details I want to point out? Hmm... I really like the selection screen
this time around, and I was enthralled to see that they used actual 2D
character art for the character slots... which looks amazingly sharp in HD. I also love how
reflective armor looks different on each stage,
because it truly reflects the colors and light from the stage itself... and
if you look even closer (in edit mode), you can actually see some of the background
details reflected on certain armor (check out the "Close Helm" and you'll
see what I mean)!
The shine effect used for hair catches the eye, and hair
animation during movements is also done well for the most part. The new
character "tracking" animations are also noteworthy. Not only will stagnant characters turn
their heads while watching their circling opponent, but they will now twist
their entire upper torsos as well, which alters their stance animation...
Maxi's is a must see.
like the ones I just mentioned really make SC4 stand above the crowd,
and lead the way for the next generation of 3D fighting games.
Page Updated: |
8th, 2024 |
Developer(s): |
Namco (Project Soul) |
Publisher(s): |
Namco Bandai,
Ubisoft  |
Designer(s): |
Mitsuo Kashiwagi
Masashi Tommy
Noriyuki Hiyama
by: |
Hideo Yoshie
Art Director
Takuji Kawano
Yasuyuki Kobori
Platform(s): |
PlayStation 3,
Xbox 360
Release Date(s): |
July 29th,
31st, 2008
/ /
Characters: |
Nightmare, Maxi,
Xianghua, Tira,
Vader, Yoda, Starkiller,
Fia, Scheherazade,
Shura, Kamikirimusi,
Featured Video:
Related Games: |
Soul Calibur:
Broken Destiny, Soul
Edge, Soul Calibur, Soul
Calibur 2, Soul Calibur 2: HD Online,
Soul Calibur 3, Soul
Calibur 3: Arcade Edition, Soul Calibur 5,
Soul Calibur 6, Soul
Calibur: Lost Swords, Soul Calibur
Legends, Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi,
TEKKEN Tag Tournament, TEKKEN
6 |
9.5 / 10
/ Theme
7.0 / 10
9.5 / 10
10 / 10
/ Sound Effects
9.5 / 10
9.0 / 10
Art Direction
9.5 / 10
9.5 / 10
Options / Extras
7.5 / 10
Intro / Presentation
6.0 / 10
Replayability / Fun
9.0 / 10
"Ouch" Factor
10 / 10
9.0 / 10
Review based on PS3
Words: |
Not only should Soul Calibur IV please most fans of the series,
it might even turn the heads of many "mainstream" gamers back in the direction of fighting
games... possibly even away from those repetitive first person shooters? (yeah
right) The Soul
series has become one of the more well known and respected fighting
games out there, and it's easy to see why.
There's a lot to love about
this game and the deep characters, but I understand Soul Calibur isn't
for everybody. Maybe that's why Namco changed up the characters so much, giving
both expert players and casual/novice players alike the chance to somewhat
start over and re-learn the classic characters. Characters do seem easier
to use, thus are more accessible to new players this time around, which
isn't really a bad thing... Namco always wants to widen their audience,
of course.
The good news
is, due to the solid and dynamic gameplay, veteran players of the series
are still able to dominate novices and those dreaded button
mashers with ease, with a little practice of course. On that note, I absolutely
the fact that you can actually win a match using a Guard Impact (to break
their armor).
The new Armor Break & Critical Finish systems give an advantage to aggressive
players and players who can perform GIs
on a regular basis. With a Guard Impact at the right moment, skilled players
take advantage. Don't let anyone tell you different... (*cough*
IGN *cough*)...
Soul Calibur IV is NOT button masher friendly, not by a long shot.
Seriously, if you lose to button mashers, you suck.'s
the game.
Soul Calibur
IV offers a lot to hardcore players, but also has enough going for it to
give casual players a reason to play and keep coming back... I'm
sure a handful of Star Wars nerds picked up SC4 just to play as Darth
Vader and/or Yoda. I'm not the "biggest" Star Wars fan, but I must say,
Vader in particular is portrayed as quite the badass. For not fitting in, he fits in
surprisingly well and has
a cool fighting style. On the flipside, I never really liked Yoda, but he does have an entertaining fighting style which stays true to
his iconic movie fight scenes.
As in any quality fighting game, the experience
of SC4 is immeasurably more appreciated and impressive when watching two skilled players
go at it. I actually think SC4 is quite underrated for that reason, as
most fighting game players probably haven't experienced a proper high level SC4 bout. When button mashers try to
play... the game obviously looks much different and less impressive. As with any
quality 3D fighting game, once you actually memorize a few character movesets
and get your parrying and defense game down, SC4 truly shines for the
players and spectators. In closing, SC4 was ahead of its time and an
under-appreciated gem if you ask me.
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